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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mark's Remarks - HL 153 (4)

High Life 153  PCN Home  |  Post to PCN   | G-Group   |  Calendar   |  PCN Ads  |  Sign Up  |  FAQs   



Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),


In just a another day it will be New Year’s eve and 2013 will soon be here.


Happy New Year to all!



My Personal Take on the Petition – Take 2:

Soon the petition effort will close and then Rob will attempt to advance the cause. We are all aware that in recent history, the company washed their hands of at least three of our main retirement benefits and there is an incredibly high hurdle (more like a closed and locked door) to have any of them opened up again.  Those three areas are; the defined benefit pension, the non-qualified benefit, and the medical benefit.  Just being honest, talking to the company about these issues won’t be easy.   It will obviously be an appeal to the company’s better angels and quite frankly that is a big challenge.  But I can tell you this.  While I support 100% everything the DP3 is currently doing, and looking forward to progress with the PBGC, there is currently no one keeping the issue hot before the company’s vision.  For that I applaud Rob and support him.  Even if Rob has no headway with the petition effort and subsequent meeting, Rob will sleep better and night and so will I for bringing it to the fore again.  For that matter it should be a thorn in the side or a blemish on the record constantly for our company, since we all agree that it was an injustice.



Subscribers vs Membership:

If you have ever managed a large email list before you will relate to this very easily.  THE hardest thing of managing a list is keeping email addresses current.  Before long most large lists have a huge number of undeliverable emails because of old addresses.  At the PCN it is different.  I actually take some pride in the fact that we have over 2500 email addresses that are actually getting every notice and are completely current.  By having a little more skin in subscribing (two step process) AND by using the Google group, I know exactly how many of our notices are “getting delivered.”   That said, it is easy to assume that those who subscribe to the PCN are members.  By that I mean it is easy to think that we all think pretty much alike.  Well, the petition has brought some enlightening to the fore again.  All Rob is asking for is a simple signature.  Not blood. Not money.  Not work.  Just a signature.  From our group alone we should be able to quickly and easily produce 2500 signatures and, when family is thrown in, it should easily double to 5000.  But the petition is sitting at just over 2600, why?  Well, I guess it is a lesson in the difference between subscribers and members.  It is obvious that we don’t all think alike.  Many simply are not moved enough that anything can be done to make the pension wrong ….right.  In fact I believe that while we all believe it to be an injustice, we do not all believe that something can be done about it.  Further, many of us must believe that it is simply a waste of time.   To me that is a bit frustrating but, then again, I have to remind myself why I do this.  The PCN is an online community that keeps us connected.  It isn’t intended to be a movement, nor a political or organized voice.  I do appreciate those of you who have supported Rob and petition.   We all intuitively know that he is leading an effort that has a steep uphill climb.  But we also know that we would like the company execs to have to stumble over this inequitable issue every day of their careers. Keeping it front and center is at least worth a signature!




80-90% of your retirement?  

The company used these numbers to convince all that what the Delta retired pilots would get would be a hair cut, but not all that bad.  Of course that turned out to be grossly over exaggerated. Can anybody provide me an official company document where they referred to these numbers?  Please scan or send the reference  and send to mark@pilotcommunication.net   Thanks.

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