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Airlines news

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Petition - HL 153

Approaching 3000 signatures!


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have over 2600 “active” email within the PCN email list alone. I want to

encourage our subscribing pilots to take the time to support this effort and sign

the petition. Thank you, Mark

Three quick comments:
1. There WAS an unfair injustice! Some have asked for some proof of
the harm that DAL Retired Pilots incurred so click here to see it
first hand:

2. Will this work? Capt Moser is using the petition as the first step
in a multi faceted strategy to gain a meeting to discuss these
issues. Admittedly it is a long shot. Since the cause is just and
doing right is always good, why not give him our support?

3. Is my info safe? Absolutely!

Note: Use different computers for other family members.

RE: Petition supporting Delta Retired Pilots and a remedy for lost


ALL Petition ISSUES or QUESTIONS Click here:

Letter from Jake Boyd sharing the petition:

From: Jake Boyd

Date: 12/26/2012 3:44:48 AM

Subject: Retired DAL pilots pension petition

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of the Retired Eastern Pilots Association,

Please let me start this email again, I sent the first one inadvertently before I was finished, I apologize.

Jake Boyd here, a voice from the past. I am a retired Delta Air Lines pilot.

Some of you may remember my family and me from the picket line in front of the EAL Terminal in Atlanta during the big EAL strike in 1989. While we did not spend near as much dedicated time on the picket line as you folks did, we did our best to provide coolers full of soft drinks to you all through out the strike. At the time, my oldest daughter Sheri

Hendrix was one of your flight attendants and her husband Mike Hendrix was one of your co-pilots so we were well connected to the EAL group.

While our efforts were a very small thing to try to keep your spirits up during that terrible time, I would like to ask a huge favor of your group. You may or may not be familiar with what happened to DAL retired pilots when DAL declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy in September 2005 in Federal court in New York City. On the same day in the same court house but a different court room and judge, Northwest Airlines also filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The very first order of business for DAL was to ask for termination of the retired pilots pension plan (the only employee group within DAL to be treated this way) and it was immediately approved by the judge. Ironically, NWA did not follow suit with this request from their pilots. Now, today, DAL is the surviving airline of the merger of DAL/NWA. Guess what, the NWA retired pilots receive their pension from what is now DAL and the retired DAL pilots pensions remain terminated.

There is a lot more to the story but that is it in a nutshell. Now, here is the huge favor I am asking of your great group of retired EAL pilots. One of our retired pilots, Rob Moser, has written a petition to try to gain an audience with current DAL management to reinstate our pensions. With the assistance of Mark Sztanyo, publisher of our pilots communications network, this petition is being circulated to our retired pilot group. Please circulate my request for your group to take a look at our petition and if you would like to assist us, please sign the petition and make your professional comments if you desire. The petition link is:

When you reach the petition, please take time to read the comments of the many financially injured retired pilots and their families. It is in many cases heartbreaking. For a list of these stories, please visit this link:

To date, I have been informed that at least 3 suicides related to this injustice have happened within our retired pilot group. While what DAL did to their retired pilot group may have been "legal" it was not ethical. For a little shock value, I submit DAL's currently published set of ethics that they do not live up to regarding their retired pilot group. Please check out this link:

So in conclusion, if you can help us by signing our petition and spreading the word to your friends and neighbors it will be greatly appreciated.


Captain Jake Boyd

Retired DAL L1011 4-1-1997

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