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Airlines news

Monday, February 21, 2022

Finance - HL 336 (4)

Helpful miscellaneous articles regarding our retirement plan and planning.  Like you, I review my retirement nestegg and plan from time to time.  Recently, I went though some continued education for some credentials I maintain and it occurred to me that we all could use a review about these issues.  So with your help, we will share and post articles and info that may be helpful and of interest to many of you in this section.




The PCNI highlight’s survivor benefits frequently in the High Life and on our website.  Please keep your spouse and family aware of this earned benefit held in trust to payout upon your death. 


Handy PCN page designed specifically for Survivors to share resources, checklists and information:




Dear PCN know that if we receive a DEATH NOTICE to share on the PCN’s FLOWN WEST page that we also CC the ESC and other Delta offices so there should be no excuse that they “know” about the former retired pilot’s death. We have practiced this policy for years.


See also the below recent email string from the ORD pilot retirees concerning this important topic:


Dear ORD Delta Pilots...and all Delta Pilots.

When I sent out the information about the passing of ORD Delta Pilot Capt Charlie Rand, a fantastic guy to fly with,  Capt Bob Hartl sent this to me:


Many widows do not know about the Delta Survivors Fund that gives wives of deceased pilots a portion of their final earnings.  Charlie Rand's wife may not be aware of such a fund.  Charlie's wife is covered by that fund.

Bob Hartl"

I sent it on to Capt John Fitzpatrick who's wife Linda is good friends of Charlie's wife Susan.  They got a hold of Susan and this is what John sent back to me:

"I just called Susan. She had no idea about the fund. She is going to call me with Charlie'semployee number this afternoon and I will call Delta for her and get the ball rolling.


Thank you John for following up on this.  John contacted Delta and has the ball rolling on Susan getting basically what would have been our monthly retirement pay and insurance if Delta using the disguise of Bankruptcy had not destroyed our retirement.   This is what Bob then said:


Thank you.  It

 may make a difference in her financial future.


However,  Delta is abusing this fund.  Please let Delta ALPA and ALPA and Delta Airlines know that Delta's abuse of this fund has to stop.  If Delta continues using it  for unauthorized payment there will be no monies for your survivors.  This is a benefit that is contractual and that you worked very hard for during your Delta career.    David W. Skjerven 

P.S.  We have had several of our ORD Delta Pilots pass away.  If you are in contact with the survivors of any of our fellow pilots that have flown west, please check with them to be sure they too are getting this contractual benefit.  From the sounds of it, "Mother" Delta does not automatically start these benefits....but then why does that not surprise me...... 


    Thank you to the many that responded about Delta Survivors Benefits.  Here are copies of some of the information that was sent back to me about our Survivor Benefits.  It is very clear that the people representing us Delta Pilots in the bankruptcy did not have our or our families best interest in mind.  That is sad....so much for the Delta Family.....  David W. Skjerven

Also some Delta Survivor checklists and worksheets are attached.   Employee Service Center: 800-693-3582

Met Life: 866-939-7409

Here are some of the comments I got:

Unfortunately Dave, the use of our Survivors trust money for the payment of active pilot sick pay (amongst other corporate costs)and the reduction in annual trust funding are “authorized”   The changes to that section of the contract were agreed to by our union brothers during the bankruptcy proceedings. There is little incentive for the company to fight sick pay abuse when the check is being paid for out of our (or more correctly our widow’s) pocket. 

I’ve told my dal pilot son that because of the rapidly evaporating Survivor trust the benefit his mom expected to have after I die will most likely not be there for her….

And the hits just keep on comin’


There should also be a life insurance benefit for the widow if he had a Life Insurance Policy with Delta.

None of the second wives would get any of the pension even if the pilot arranged for his wife to get that.  They do not cover a second wife for pension benefits.  

However, a Life Insurance policy would go to whoever the pilot named as his benficiary on his policy if he had one with Delta.  Just an idea.  He may have taken out a Life Insurance Policy and forgotten about it.  

Also, a wife would have to notify them that her husband is deceased and she would be eligible for continued health benefits and flight privileges.  

You have to get in touch with them for everything.  They won't reach out to you I don't believe.  

Sometimes it isn't easy to get in touch with who you need to talk to.  



The survivor benefit is 30% of the pilot’s FAE. I recently received a calculation I had done by Delta for my wife and it was $7200 (rounded for this email) per month. When I retired my FAE years where on the 767-400 and the 777 with a lot of GS so my wife’s benefit is probably on the higher side. I’m attaching a copy of the letter and you can see the method they used for the calculation. If I’m reading it correctly the minimum benefit for her would be $7200 and depending on how the fund is doing higher.  Based on the current value of the fund my wife’s benefit would be about $7795. Of course I could be misunderstanding the explanation. Anyway it is a pretty good benefit and not well known. 

You can share my numbers if you like but I would prefer my identity not be shared.


Dave, et al,

                  Good info. This is the fund that no pilot could opt out of.

However, it is approaching dire straits. Delta has put no money in

since 2006. It started with a couple billion and is now down to about



Jim George is an R & I expert who knows about this. (He was also my roommate at NKP.) This is his reply to my question about it.

If anyone would like to talk to him, let me know and I’ll forward his phone number.


From: Jim George <jg.a1.f16@gmail.com>


Date: February 19, 2022 at 10:01:09 AM CST

To: Dick Diller <dick@thedillers.net>

Hi Dick. 

    What all of you are referring to is the monthly income benefit from the Delta Disability & Survivorship Plan.  Benefits can be substantial for a "qualifying" spouse. (Basically, she had to have been married to the pilot while he was actively flying & remain married until his death after retirement.)  Also this benefit was changed dramatically during BK, for retirement dates o/a 1/1/2008.

You (and your friends) most likely knew about this (SURVIVORSHIP) benefit when you retired, but my experience, both as a Financial Consultant and Pilot Rep with RAA, and as the Secretary of the BOD of DDPSA (Delta Disabled Pilots & Survivors Association) is that this benefit is commonly forgotten about. 

    You should visit our Website at DDPSA.ORG where there is a TON of information about the Plan; benefits; current funding issues (bad); etc; etc.

   Or just call me and I can WAG Emily's benefit pretty accurately.

Best Regards, 


PS: It's not automatic, for many good reasons. Our Website has extensive info. ***  And, importantly, we NEED contact info for pilots & spouses, especially as the fund has decreased steadily and future legal action may be necessary to preserve this one MAJOR remaining benefit for those of us who took big hits in our retirement benefits as a result of termination of the retirement plan during Delta's BK.

Street your colleagues to our Website as well, and let them know they can call me if they have questions after "doing their homework."


On Sat, Feb 19, 2022, 00:15 Dick Diller <dick@thedillers.net> wrote:


Charlie Rand died last week, and Dave, Bob and John are all retired Chicago Delta pilots. Charlie’s wife was a flight attendant.

Do you know anything about this? Shouldn’t it be automatic when a retired pilot dies?


Yes, I believe the process includes requesting an application for requesting benefits then submission of death certificate and certification of marriage license which is a duplication of paperwork submitted when signed up with Delta as new hires.  It can take a month to get a copy of marriage license from state of marriage.


     I have helped a couple of widows get the survivor benefits.  You must apply and here is the phone number for doing so:  Employee Service Center 800 693-3582.  Also there is a death benefit with Met Life contact them directly at 866 939-7409.  Delta will deny the benefits initially so you must persist.  The benefits are retroactive to the date of death.  Former Delta execs wrote a letter to Delta to stop abusing the fund.  Attached are the instructions for filing.

Retiree Death Checklist - June 17, 2011 - Retiree Death Checklist and Survivor Benefits Processing (homestead.com)



We with the PCN have tried to highlight this Survivor benefit over and over again and in recent  High Life’s and in many past issues: 

Please refer to other issues (linked below) regarding this subject.










And please do not forget out web page dedicated to share info, resources and checklists for the survivor.





 (As with any of these informative articles, anyone who needs someone to talk to about

this very subject contact me and I can direct you to a knowledgeable advisor).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full post disclaimer in left column. PCN Home Page is located at: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html

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