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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Misc - HL 333 (3)

Pilot Survivor benefits for spouses is a very important topic for all of us to be informed about and understand.  Though most of these benefits are financed by the Pilot Disability & Survivor Trust, the payouts are really a form of  “insurance.”  As such I would normally place this info in the Insurance section, but in this High Life issue it is rather taken up by Medicare info, so I’ll post this important Survivor info in this section for all to see. 

Before I share the letter from Ev Gost forwarded by Will Buergey, I wish to remind all that the PCN does maintain a webpage that has a number of sections archived for our benefit.  For example the Pilot Authors copied and pasted in the above section are continually posted and maintained always on the web site at: 

For Survivors there is a web page that you might wish to bookmark at: http://pcn.homestead.com/DLSurv.html

On this page there is some helpful info for all members to know for planning purposes and all spouses to know about should they become a survivor. 

And below is the letter from Ev about the service of the DDPSA:

Last But Not Least

November 11, 2021


Dear Mark,

Please read the letter below from the Delta Disabled Pilots and Survivors Association. They are the only group monitoring and protecting our Survivor Benefits, which are substantial. This retired pilot volunteer organization also provides guidance information to our estates and survivors.


Before you ignore this, we want to be sure you understand that every DP3 member who is still married to the same spouse they retired with has a significant amount of money at stake (typically $4,000 to $6,000 per month or more). If your spouse outlives you, they will be eligible for Survivor Benefits from the Disability and Survivor Plan. Upon your death it pays almost the full pre-bankruptcy benefit you earned. Let’s emphasize that point – they will receive most of your original pre-bankruptcy benefit.


It is important that this plan be protected.

If you aren’t familiar with DDPSA, we strongly suggest you take the time to read their letter and provide your contact information. 


Will Buergey, Chairman, DP3, Inc.



Dear Will,


First, we, the members of the Board of Directors of DDPSA (Delta Disabled Pilots and Survivors Association) extend our heartfelt thanks to you and the board members of DP3. Your exemplary and dedicated efforts on behalf of the pilot group have been outstanding and selfless!


Our two organizations have much in common: Like yours, our Board of Directors is composed of dedicated volunteers. Like you, we have no regular employees. Like you, we operate on a minimal budget, strictly as volunteers, with no compensation. And finally, like you, our objectives are aimed simply at protecting the benefits of Delta pilots and retirees.


As you wind down your many years of work on behalf of Delta retirees, we have a request, which could be of extreme significance to a majority of your membership. As the watchdog over the Delta Pilots Disability and Survivorship Plan ("D&S Plan") Trust fund, DDPSA is alarmed at Delta's failure to fund the D&S Plan to the level necessary to ensure that promised benefits can be paid. Indeed, Delta has allowed the Trust fund balance to steadily decline. At the time of Delta’s bankruptcy, Trust Fund assets were approximately $1.6 Billion Dollars. As of the last financial report, that fund balance has declined to approximately $500 Million - which represents slightly more than just two years of benefit payouts. Meanwhile, Plan Benefit Obligations are more than $2 Billion.


DDPSA is the singular organization watching over the D&S Plan, with the mission of ensuring that all promised benefits to Plan beneficiaries are paid. We are concerned because current and future D&S Plan beneficiaries include not only Disabled Delta pilots and their eventual survivors, but also the surviving spouses of NORMALLY RETIRED Delta pilots (who retired prior to 1/1/2008). NOTE: We are constantly surprised at the LARGE number of normally retired pilots who are not aware of the significant benefits to their eligible surviving spouses* under the Survivorship provision of the D&S Plan!!)


Thus our request to you and your Board is this: As you wind down your operation, we request that you forward this letter to your members. Clearly we respect the confidentiality of your membership information. We would not presume to ask you to provide us with that. We will simply include here the DDPSA Website address and contact information, in the event that your members wish to learn more about these benefits that could be so impactful to the financial future of their families. Our objectives in extending this request are simple: To make your membership aware of their potential very significant benefits under the D&S Plan; to make them aware of DDPSA and our efforts; and to expand our membership roster should any future legal action be required to protect their benefits.


Coincidentally, as our Board of Trustees has contemplated ideas for reaching out to the retired Delta pilot group to remind them of these large benefits that may be due to their survivors, we have spent many hours updating and streamlining our website. We feel we have made it much more "user friendly" and we make it clear that we desire primarily the necessary CONTACT information for impacted pilots and their spouses as future beneficiaries, and only secondarily do we ask for financial contributions to sustain our efforts. To reiterate: We need Delta pilots with qualifying spouses* to provide us with their contact information. It is NOT necessary at this time to make a financial contribution to join us in our efforts on everyone's behalf!


Thank you once again for your herculean efforts over these past 15 years. We hope you and your Board will see the benefit to your membership to pass on this information to them.


Detailed information about the Survivorship Benefit can be found on our website, at www.DDPSA.org along with a huge amount of information about the Plan, potential benefits to Survivors; a highly accurate "Survivorship benefit calculator," and more detailed contact information for each of us.




Ev Gost, Chairman, LAX

Jim George, Secretary, ATL

*Qualifying Surviving Spouse: Simply put, for a surviving spouse of a normally retired Delta pilot to be eligible for a Monthly Income Benefit from the Disability and SURVIVORSHIP Plan, the pilot must have retired prior to 1/1/2008, the spouse must have been married to the pilot while he was on the active seniority list, and she/he must have remained continually married to such pilot until his date of death post retirement. Contact us with any questions.





Thanks again,  Mark


Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Walter Burkett
Sent: Saturday, October 9, 2021 8:04 PM
To: misc.pcn@gmail.com
Subject: Age of death averages


Found this site recently and unfortunately found some that I have flown with. Sad to see them go, especially the ones at a young age.

Would it be possible for you to add to the site the average age of death? Just curious what that would be and how it trends.


 Walter Burkett Jr

330A DTW


Editor: Walter,   Thanks for the email.  I am gonna share this in the next High Life.  David Roberts produces a spreadsheet of all deceased every year and I publish them on the website.  From that spread sheet it has a wealth of information and should be  rather easy for one to run avg death ages if desired.  

All  found here;  http://pcn.homestead.com/FlightWest.html  

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