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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Mark's Remarks - HL 319 (2)

High Life 319  |   PCN Home  |  Post to PCN   | G-Group   |  Calendar   |  PCN Ads  |  Sign Up  |  FAQs   

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Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),

PCN, I hope you are all doing well and not affected in any way, other than inconvenience, by the current CV19 event. One day it will end.  I hope that day is sooner rather than later.  In the meantime I hope you and your whole family are well and enjoying a great summer.

MLB Baseball is back.  I love baseball.  Heck I love most sport, but I do not like to pay as a fan for players to be political.  I don’t care what they do off the field.  But when fans come to see a game it is about the game “not about societies failures.”  So as a result I am glad the season is starting but will not stay a fan if players continue to disregard my, and millions of others, sentiments.

2nd thing I recently saw was that I don’t recommend you take any baseball lessons from this guy.  He may know something but pretty sure he’s never played the game: 


New PCN subscriber Sign Up:

As you most of you know our PCN is a private subscribed to online community.  We maintain a list of that virtually eliminates spammers or other online undesirables from joining with a simple sign up procedure, so the applicant can be screened.  I am very happy with how this has worked as we can be assured that everyone on the 2670 member list is legit.

If you know of a pilot who wishes to join our community and receive our notices they can easily and painlessly become a subscriber for FREE by simply filling out the SIGN UP form.  If a current member vouches for a friend and simply sends in their former Delta position and email, I have always considered this an appropriate vetting and added them directly to the list.

Thanks for helping the PCN remain the largest retired Delta pilot online community and for helping keep our mailing list made up of all legit subscribers. 


PCN sends out the High Life in 2 ways via a Blog page and a PDF file.  But the PCN also has a website with helpful information archived.   Check out some of the elements of the PCN Website like:

Comprehensive Flown West List page: http://pcn.homestead.com/FlightWest.html

Seniority lists and Hotel page  (password protected): http://pcn.homestead.com/Seniority.html

Thanks for checking the PCN Web Site out and please report any page that needs an update!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full post disclaimer in left column. PCN Home Page is located at: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html

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