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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mark's Remarks - HL 154 (5)


High Life 154  PCN Home  |  Post to PCN   | G-Group   |  Calendar   |  PCN Ads  |  Sign Up  |  FAQs   



Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),


Help for Rob:  Why should Mr. Anderson Act?

Dear PCN,  You may well know that the petition and any follow up efforts are designed to get a meeting with senior management and particularly Mr. Anderson, discussing the Delta retired pilot plight.  Of course you know that we lost 3 main benefits; the terminated defined benefit pension (now paid out at pennies on the dollar by the PBGC), the earned non-qualified benefit (that the company gave a one time lump sum of Delta shares that were highly over valued), and the lost medical benefits (which we also received pennies on the dollar for a one-time cash settlement).  Should Rob and his minions win a meeting they will discuss the history particularly those aspects that current management may well not be versed in that occurred to our group.  He will also very effectively lay out the actual plight of the Delta retired pilots (particularly the 3500).  This can be done easier since like never before since we have more documentation and time to verify the disproportionate harm. 


That said, the question will obviously come from the Delta CEO; “What are you proposing I do about it?”  Since this is appeal rather than hollow threats or legal demands, the arguments for action must be well thought out. 

While we all know there is nothing really compelling the company to act, the appeal is to address a very obvious financial harm by calling on the better angels of those in control.  By the way, I would rather be in a warrior’s position to say, “surrender or die.”  It is never very comfortable approaching the King and asking for mercy.  But that is the nature of a hearing with an appeal. 


Here is where you can help: 


What is the best, most compelling argument for the company to act?  Write down your answer, clearly and succinctly (with proper grammar and spelling of course, ha ha) and send it in to me.  I will forward to Rob and his men. 


We know it is the right thing to do.  Why would it be the right thing for the company?  Why should they spend the money?  What should they require of us, if anything, for any re-established benefit?  Will this give them a PR victory?  Will this put pressure on their competition to respect their retirees?  Come on, if you were Rob and you won a meeting with the big cahuna representing our entire group, what would you say?  Just what is the best reason from them to act? 


If the effort produces a meeting and if I am still connected with the process, we will report in the High Life just what was said, proposed, and done.  You have my promise on that.  I have already heard from some of you on this matter.  For others, please put your thinking cap on and make the case.  Lot’s of good heads within the PCN so let’s use them.  Looking forward to your posts.




Flown West “Comments”:  

From: fly4ever

Date: 12/31/2012 11:47:40 AM


You win! I tried everyway I know of to post a blog honoring Bud Raithel. I was not sucessful. So why bother to have a comment section if users cannot penetrate the code.

Editor: Hey RF, I really wasn’t trying to win but sorry about the difficulty.  I guess when I set the comment section up I checked a selection that required an ID.  Well, because of your post, I am going to try it wide open.   Anyone can now comment, and I am sure hoping that we can leave it this way, since I demand this site stay reverent and an archival memorial that is honoring.


Take your spouse to a night in a railroad sleeper car:

Recently, I took Barb for a night on the town in Indianapolis.  I remembered the old Union Station and how much fun it was on layovers.  So I called the Crowne Plaza and booked a room.  She said would you like a train room or regular.  Well, I had to ask her for a little more info, but come to find out this hotel is adjacent to the old train depot and it has real live sleeper cars that it has on the second floor that it uses for hotel rooms.  They are a little narrower than a regular room of course but it was a lot of fun and very nostalgic.  If you are thinking of surprising the old girl, why don’t you book one for valentines day.  We stayed in the Greta Garbo car and had a real good time.



Coming at you from Trinidad:

Well, since the 1st three crossings and now sitting in Port of Spain at the Hilton.  Weather is nice here and have a few days before we make the next crossing to Gatwick.   Can’t help but think about the year that lays before us. I am looking forward to a great year……..hope you are too!




Captain on last flight……..but it’s not Delta!

Ironic?  Sure is.  Many of think back at our last flight and for most of us it was with Delta.  However, some of us after we were retired with Delta fell into a real pension mess as Delta re-organized.  That forced many of us back to work.  This Captain was no different.  His monthly annuity of what was supposed to be $5800 turned into $400 per month.  Hard to budget with mama on that.  Here it is 7+ years after his Delta retirement and he is now on his last flight again.  No water cannons, no gate parties, no happy smiles all around.  Its just another Delta retiree that had to scramble and fly for someone else a few more years to make his retirement work.  Seems ironic doesn’t it?  You go to work for what many consider the best airline in the free world and in retirement get hammered.   Well, all that said, this captain guy is a tremendous pilot and person and now in his “second last flight” I wish him all the best in the future. 

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