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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 368 published Feb 23, 2025. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Monday, March 27, 2023

Misc - HL 348 (8)

Job Opportunities for Retirees:

From: colterbb@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 2:13 PM
mark sztanyo
Subject: RE: PCN Misc


 Sorry for the delay. CAE is a world-wide leader in business aviation training and is looking for Instructor Pilots. Pay and benefits are excellent and there are opportunities to fly if desired! If interested, apply at Careers at CAE | CAE jobs and follow up at @Talent Acquisition.

 Best regards,

Bert Colter


Delta Air Lines Just Announced a Smart Idea, and Yes, You Should Definitely Copy It  I sense a trend. And a lesson.


A university student went to the dean with a complaint. 

·       "I can't believe you're treating me like this!" the student said. "I'm your customer!"

·       "No you're not," the dean replied. "You're the product."

It's a funny line, right? Mostly because it rings true. Also, if a university student is the product, then who's the actual customer? 

Mostly likely, the customers are the employers that support the school and depend on it for a never-ending line of potential new employees.

With that, let's talk about Delta Air Lines, which announced this week that it's launching a new flight academy program to train the next generation of pilots. It's pretty smart.

Delta says it's teamed up with Skyborne Airline Academy, a flight school in Florida, and will convert a 12,000-square-foot facility into the Delta Propel Flight Academy, complete with classrooms and study areas.


Read More: https://www.inc.com/bill-murphy-jr/delta-air-lines-just-made-a-smart-announcement-yes-you-should-definitely-copy-it.html



Why You Should Retain Delta Air (DAL) Stock in Portfolio Now

Tue, March 21, 2023 at 8:26 AM EDT

Delta Air Lines, Inc. (DAL) is benefiting from its strong liquidity position and the buoyant air travel demand scenario. However, escalating fuel cost is worrisome.

Factors Favoring DAL

Driven by buoyant demand, Delta Air generated a double-digit operating margin in the second, third and fourth quarters of 2022. In the December quarter, adjusted operating margin was 10.9%

The buoyant air-travel demand scenario is also evident from the fact that total operating revenues increased 8% in 2022 from 2019 (pre-coronavirus) actuals. Given this buoyant air-travel demand, Delta Air expects total revenues (adjusted) for 2023 to increase in the 15-20% range on a year-over-year basis.

Delta Air’s liquidity position is encouraging. The airline ended 2022 with cash and cash equivalents of $6,534 million, much higher than the current maturities of debt and financial lease of $2,534 million. This implies that the company has sufficient cash to meet its current debt obligations. DAL's efforts to repay its debts are encouraging too.

Key Risk

Escalating fuel costs pose a threat to Delta Air’s bottom line. Oil price is moving north primarily because of supply concerns due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In fourth-quarter 2022, average fuel price per gallon (adjusted) increased 61% from fourth-quarter 2019 actuals to $3.20. Management expects fuel price per gallon in the $3.05-$3.25 range in the March quarter.

Zacks Rank & Key Picks

Delta Air currently carries a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold).

Read More: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-retain-delta-air-dal-122612556.html


REQUEST FOR HELP:  Delta Dept that Has Aircraft Images

Everybody’s Retirement Aircraft framed pic is an example of what I am asking about. There used to be a department that had on file every image of aircraft (in every livery) that Delta ever had in service.  From this archive employees and retirees had opportunity to have access to those images CAN SOMEONE POINT ME TO THE RIGHT DEPARTMENT THAT ARCHIVES THESE IMAGES AND CAN PROVIDE COPIES?   Was it Marketing or Publicity?  On of these HQ Depts had them for sure. 

If you have some info for the request above please email;  mark.pcndir@gmail.com


Subject: Cancer in Military Aircrews and Ground Crews

Please pass this along.




1970’s Delta Print Ad – Thanks to Capt David Skjerven  dwskjerven@aol.com  for sharing.


Joel Payne sent me this. I wonder if there have been any reports from other airlines flying in the same areas


From: flyplayne@bellsouth.net
To: flyplayne@bellsouth.net
Sent: 3/24/2023 4:17:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Qantas Pilots Report Radio Interference and GPS Jamming From Chinese Warships

From a newsletter I receive. It would appear that the Chinese are getting their "fingers" into LOTS of pies-Joel



From: flyplayne@bellsouth.net
To: thfoster6@aol.com
Sent: 3/24/2023 4:34:44 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Flight attendants want to ban lap babies on planes | The Seattle Times

From a newsletter I receive. Want to hear some SCREAMING & CARRYING ON, try restraining a child under the age of 2. Maybe a shot of Rum in the "baby bottle"-Joel

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