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Latest HL 368 published Feb 23, 2025. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Travel / Non Revving - HL 347 (2)

 Note:  About layover hotels (List Now Updated as of Nov 2021) Lists are no longer accessible on the DeltaNet.  The page is password protected for our PCN group ONLY.  Please use the password of pcnpilot

To access the 2021 listing of layover hotels click here:  http://pcn.homestead.com/Seniority.html

Here is a listing of the 2021 LAYOVER HOTELS that give discounts to both active and many times retirees.  I hope that is what you are looking for. 


From: Joel Payne
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 10:47 AM
Subject: Hotel rates for retirees

Have looked on the PCN homepage for hotel rates, for retirees, but only

found a link to "Employee Rates". I know the psw for the link I'm

looking for is- "pcnpilot". But can't find the link to apply it-Joel

Payne, B-767A [ret.]

Editor:  As published in every High Life in this section Header, here is a password protected link to the 2021 LAYOVER HOTELS that give discounts to both active and many times retirees.  I hope that is what you are looking for. 

 http://pcn.homestead.com/Seniority.html      password:  pcnpilot

Other employee discounts INCLUDING HOTEL CHAINS THAT OFFER RETIREES DISCOUNTS are found inside the extranet>HR Menu>Benefits>PERKS



 Thanks for the help. Had found the link you sent me, earlier today, BUT, when I clicked on it & entered THE "psw", I was sent to a site that had a RED rectangle on the right side that said- "Delta HOTELS For Active Crewmembers-2021". I haven't been "ACTIVE" since 11-01-00, and getting more so every day. Guess I need to contact EACH hotel, listed, individually, and see if they offer ANY retiree discounts. Worked for the Holiday Inn MUC, several years ago. As I recall, at one time, you could select a "corporate" rate on the Marriott website, and enter "DLA' and get a discounted room rate. Mostly, that applied to hotels NEAR an airport. Used it in ATL a few times.

Just looking for a short cut, but thanks for trying. You can get back to your "house" work now-Joel

Editor: As mentioned HOTEL CHAIN DISCOUNTS THAT INCLUDE RETIREES may be found on the extranet in Perks section.  These Crewhotels are indeed used by company for active employees,  HOWEVER, when they are called directly to their front desk, they often extend that discount to retired pilots.  That of course is the ONLY reason I share it with our group. 




A tour of the New Delta Sky Club at MCI


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