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Airlines news

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Misc - HL 345 (6)


Is this email a SCAM?



Delta Disabled Pilots and Survivors Association  



Invoice   Due:12/01/2022

Amount Due: $50.00







Dear David :

DDPSA remains the only organization overseeing and looking out for your benefit rights from the Delta Disability and Survivor Trust, and the plan that administers it. You, may be depending upon this income source. Help us help you! We are asking for an annual contribution of $50 until you have contributed a total of $500. At that level no further contributions are necessary. We thank you for your support.

Thank you for your continued support.


Robert Whitehouse
Delta Disabled Pilots and Survivors Association - DDPSA



Editor: First the DDPSA is NOT the ‘Delta Pilots Disability and Survivor Trust’.  The DDPSA 
instead is an org built to provide education and information. Look here from their 
website mission statement: Our mission is to protect the interests of participants 
and beneficiaries of the Delta Disability and Survivorship (D&S) Plan through 
education, communication and other necessary means. “


Well, even though it seems like an odd way to form an email request for $$ donations, this 
IS a legit email from the DDPSA org and was sent by Robert Whitehouse the current 
Treasurer.  Now, whether or not the request is a worthy one for you to contribute to the 
DDPSA, is gonna be a personal matter.  On the other hand, the Delta Pilots Disability and 
Survivor Trust was created to help our pilots with two main issues.  Its designed to help if 
disability hits and for the overwhelming vast majority of us, to take care of our spouses after 
we are gone.  Those are the two main purposes the Trust was started.  Now as time has gone 
along and funding has diminished, there are questions as to the Trust’s future ability to handle 
both of its main missions and for the vast majority of us whether our spouses will get their 
rightful benefits?  From the DDPSA website with inserts in italics: However, as stated 
above, the ultimate source of security of D&S Plan benefits is the D&S Trust. 
Unfortunately, the bleeding of assets to pay for pilot sick leave in the years 
following Delta's bankruptcy (and from this same D&S Trust paying out full 
retirement benefits for the disabled that we were all scheduled to receive from 
our other retirement trust but that trust was destroyed all non-disabled pilots 
by and large lost out)  diminished the D&S Trust assets to the point that are 
inadequate to pay all of the Plan Benefit Obligations (from the D&S Trust) over 
the long term. Because assets of the D&S Trust were diverted to assist in the 
reorganization of Delta, it would seem reasonable for a reorganized and 
prosperous Delta to consider making significant contributions to bolster the 
level of assets in the Trust. Hopefully Delta will do so.”

Since there are by far more survivors coming on board with pilot deaths, the D & S Trust will be unable to meet its obligations without re-structuring, or re-funding, or both!

Should you contribute to the DDPSA?  Well, that is completely up to you.  A donation does not bolster the D & S Trust.  Instead your contribution goes toward this DDPSA org that is there to represent, educate and give information about benefits.  The PCN, will not take a position on what is really a personal choice.  But to answer the question about the email request if it is a scam? It is not.  It is a legitimate request from a Delta pilot org that is trying to offset expenses. 



Capt Foster forwarded this info about the tentative agreement that the DAL pilots have with a new company offer.  I know that as we look at the numbers it becomes pretty impressive and we tend to forget that they have operated 4 full years without a contract.  Then the question turns to retro pay.  Same old song with a slightly different tune.  The company punts on retro pay.  They are offering a fraction of what the pilots deserve and earned. But what is my guess?  They will win again as the pilots will cave an accept this contract only setting up the next 4 year delay after its amendable date.

Travis Foster thfoster6@aol.com

Sent: 12/3/2022 11:03:34 AM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: FOX BUSINESS: Delta Air Lines offers pilots a new contract as potential strike looms


Delta Air Lines offers pilots a new contract as potential strike looms
Delta Air Lines is looking to avoid a potential strike by its pilots by offering them a new contract that includes a 34% pay increase over three years.

Read in Fox Business: https://apple.news/AvytTOjfRQQGfR4KHTb6zxg


Click here for mobile version


December 2, 2022



C2019: Comprehensive AIP Reached

This afternoon, after over three and a half years of negotiations, the Negotiating Committee (NC) reached a comprehensive Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) with Delta management. The agreement will improve the value of our PWA by 45%, and represents over $7.2B of cumulative value increases over the next four years.      


The agreement contains dozens of individual work rule improvements, with upwards of 25% of the value of the agreement dedicated to quality-of-life related items, and no concessions.      


The following is a summary of many of the major items in the comprehensive AIP:

What about any other improvements?

While the above list is extensive, there are numerous other work rule, pay, and benefit improvements that have been secured during the last three and a half years of negotiations. This summary is not an exhaustive list, and other improvements will be included in future communications. Importantly - there are no concessions in this agreement.


What’s Next?

A set of Negotiators’ Notepads covering the comprehensive AIP in more detail will be forthcoming. Once final contract language is agreed upon, the AIP becomes a Tentative Agreement (TA) for consideration by the MEC. A meeting will be convened at which time the MEC will be briefed, in open session, on every detail of the TA.


Following that open session briefing, the TA will be made available to the membership. If the MEC votes to approve the TA and send it to the membership for ratification, you will see a schedule of road shows, webinars, and other presentations. In addition, a Pro/Con paper from the MEC will be drafted and published prior to the opening of the membership ballot.


While it has been an exceptionally long road to this agreement, your consistent engagement, unity of purpose, and determination has been the catalyst to achieve this generational improvement to our PWA. There is still much work which must be completed prior to making these hard-fought gains permanent.


Please stay engaged and watch for additional communications in the near future.


Fly Safe,


Eric, Brandon, and Rich

This is a Product of the Delta MEC Negotiating Committee



If you no longer want to receive alerts from Delta MEC, you may unsubscribe.


What about any other improvements?

While the above list is extensive, there are numerous other work rule, pay, and benefit improvements that have been secured during the last three and a half years of negotiations. This summary is not an exhaustive list, and other improvements will be included in future communications. Importantly - there are no concessions in this agreement.

What’s Next?

A set of Negotiators’ Notepads covering the comprehensive AIP in more detail will be forthcoming. Once final contract language is agreed upon, the AIP becomes a Tentative Agreement (TA) for consideration by the MEC. A meeting will be convened at which time the MEC will be briefed, in open session, on every detail of the TA.

Following that open session briefing, the TA will be made available to the membership. If the MEC votes to approve the TA and send it to the membership for ratification, you will see a schedule of road shows, webinars, and other presentations. In addition, a Pro/Con paper from the MEC will be drafted and published prior to the opening of the membership ballot.

While it has been an exceptionally long road to this agreement, your consistent engagement, unity of purpose, and determination has been the catalyst to achieve this generational improvement to our PWA. There is still much work which must be completed prior to making these hard-fought gains permanent.

Please stay engaged and watch for additional communications in the near future. 

Fly Safe,

Eric, Brandon, and Rich

This is a Product of the Delta MEC Negotiating Committee




Another important email forward from Captain Foster for Vets:

Joel Payne sent me this.

Travis Foster

From: flyplayne@bellsouth.net
To: flyplayne@bellsouth.net
Sent: 11/29/2022 4:03:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Important Information About the 1-800-MyVA411 Telephone Line

 An "FYI" for you vets out there-Joel

Dear Veterans,

A retired VA phone number may be putting your information at risk.  The Department of Veterans Affairs established 1-800-MyVA411 (1-800-698-2411) in 2020 to help Veterans, their family members, caregivers, and survivors understand and access the broad spectrum of VA benefits and services.

VA’s previous information number, 1-844-MyVA311, was retired at that time. Since that transition, 1-844-MyVA311 has been repurposed by a non-federal entity claiming to be a medical equipment provider. Veterans may try to call VA using the 1-844-MyVA311 number and unintentionally divulge personal information.

It is imperative that Veterans are informed that 1-800-MyVA411 is the appropriate number to call for information regarding:

  • COVID-19 updates
  • Health care eligibility and enrollment
  • VA benefits, such as disability, compensation and pension, education programs, caregiver support, insurance, home loans, and burial headstones and markers among others
  • The nearest VA medical centers, benefits offices or cemeteries to Veterans, VA Medical Center operational updates and connection to VA Medical Center operators
  • Directory assistance and technical support for www.VA.gov
  • Debt and payment options

Thank you for your attention to this important information and please share with others who may be impacted.


Keep updated & let us know how we're doing.











You have received this message because you are subscribed to Veterans Health. Access your Subscriber Preferences to make changes to your subscription or Unsubscribe. Get this as a forward? Sign Up to receive updates from Veterans Health. Having questions or problems? Please visit Subscriber Help for assistance.



Sent to flyplayne@bellsouth.net on behalf of US Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Health Administration · 810 Vermont Avenue, NW · Washington, DC 20420 · 877-222-VETS (877-222-8387)




Sent: 12/2/2022 11:55:31 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: The Vietnam Wall-- AMAZING!

Click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city where you went to high school and look at the names.




Angel Flight West delivers gifts to families in need

Posted: Dec 12, 2022 / 05:30 PM MST

Updated: Dec 13, 2022 / 03:14 PM MST

Angel Flight West (AFW) provides free flights year-round for people who need to travel long distances to access medical care. And during the holidays, they deliver something extra.

>>Angel Flight provides travel to medical patients

According to AFW, the Flights of Joy program began during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when many families battling illness were also experiencing financial hardships. Since the program started, AFW said more than 50 volunteers have brightened the holiday season for 25 families across the West region.

Recipients meet AFW volunteers at their local airports on Adopt a Family Day, where children receive their colorfully wrapped gifts and have a chance to meet the pilots who made it all possible.

This year, 60 pilots have signed up to help families in Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, AFW said. The pilots donate their time and resources, and the cost of all gifts are covered by the pilots.

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