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Airlines news

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Misc - HL 332 (4)

Vaccine Mandates:

Regardless of what you think of the CV19 shot, most people hold a reasonable position about allowing the government to control your personal health and “mandate” anything for your own good.  The administration’s mandates and the coercion to get corporate America to institute their policy, is hitting some major pushback.  With the military, law enforcement, education, health professionals and of course inside transportation, some resistance has surfaced.   Delta’s Ed Bastian stated a nuanced policy position on Maria Bartiroma about what he called “divisive” mandates and that no one would be fired for not complying.  SW CEO had earlier made that same point but company position had not changed until now: 


Delta’s Ed Bastian here below:

Delta Air Lines CEO Ditches ‘Divisive’ Vaccine Mandate

By  Amanda Prestigiacomo

Oct 16, 2021   DailyWire.com

Delta Air Lines is ditching a vaccine mandate for employees, according to company CEO Ed Bastian, who notably emphasized the “divisiveness” of such an order.

Bastian said announcing a plan to get all employees vaccinated, without enforcing a mandate, has worked, allowing the company to reach a 90% vaccination rate.

“The reason the mandate was put in by [the] president, I believe, was because they wanted to make sure companies had a plan to get their employees vaccinated,” the CEO said, according to Fox Business. “A month before the president came out with the mandate, we had already announced our plan to get all of our people vaccinated. And the good news is the plan is working.”

Bastian “acknowledged that there will need to be religious and medical accommodations made for those who wish to remain unvaccinated while avoiding having to threaten employment status,” Fox Business noted.

“By the time we’re done, we’ll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate,” the executive said.

“We’re proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs.”

Back in August, Bastian warned unvaccinated employees enrolled in Delta’s health care plan they would be subject to higher premiums to cover increased costs associated with COVID, The Daily Wire reported:

Effective November 1, employees who have not been immunized against coronavirus will face a $200 increase in their monthly payments.

“The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person,” Bastian wrote in the memo. “This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company.”

[…] Other changes detailed in the memo include requiring unvaccinated employees to wear face coverings in all indoor Delta settings, effective immediately. 

President Joe Biden in September formally announced his administration would be mandating vaccination, testing, and mask requirements for not just federal employees, but many private businesses, too.

“Companies with at least 100 employees must require their employees get vaccinated or submit to weekly COVID-19 tests under a new Biden administration plan to combat the coronavirus and encourage vaccination,” The Daily Wire reported at the time. “President Joe Biden is scheduled to outline a revamped federal strategy to address COVID-19 that includes far more invasive regulations and restrictions than the federal government has put in place to date. Part of Biden’s six-point plan involves cracking down on 100+ employee companies to push their employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Last week, Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly blamed Biden for the airline’s decision to enforce a vaccine mandate on its employees.

“I’ve never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate,” Kelly told CNBC. “I’m not in favor of that, never have been. But the executive order from President Biden mandates that all federal employees and then all federal contractors, which covers all major airlines, have to have a vaccine mandate in place by December 8. So we’re working through that.”

Southwest had to cancel thousands of flights, starting last weekend. Curiously, the company has seemed to blame everything outside of the vaccine mandate, including weather.



I wish to thank Capt Bruno Brunasso for sending in this interesting link to an article about Delta’s resurrecting dormant aircraft.


How did Delta Airlines awaken 570 dormant aircraft?

How did Delta Airlines awaken 570 dormant aircraft? - FreightWaves




From: Walter Burkett
Sent: Saturday, October 9, 2021 8:04 PM
To: misc.pcn@gmail.com
Subject: Age of death averages


Found this site recently and unfortunately found some that I have flown with. Sad to see them go, especially the ones at a young age.

Would it be possible for you to add to the site the average age of death? Just curious what that would be and how it trends.


Walter Burkett Jr

330A DTW

Editor: Capt Burkett, thanks for your email an request.  Each year David Roberts produces an extensive spreadsheet of all those in the Delta family that have Flown West.  Because it is an Exel spreadsheet, it should be very easy to run all sorts of calculations from the data.  The comprehensive list updated thru April 2020 is found on this page:  http://pcn.homestead.com/FlightWest.html


 To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Myriel and I am a US Marine Corps veteran. After leaving the military, I joined VA Home Loan Centers as head of outreach.

While researching a new article, we came across your site pcnflightwest.blogspot.com.  

Unfortunately, the majority of veterans and active duty military do not understand how their home loan benefits work. Because of this, we want to try to educate as many people as possible, help get veterans into homes and further the efforts for economic recovery.  

I’m asking you for a small favor. We would like to write an article for your site. Our article will provide practical no-nonsense information to help separate myth from fact and provide a clear path to home ownership for our military community.

Will you publish it on pcnflightwest.blogspot.com? We will include beneficial resources in the article and will ensure it is well written towards your current audience.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Best wishes, 

Myriel Legaspi

USMC Veteran

VA Home Loan Centers

Direct: 858-367-7114

Fax:  858-367-7114

Email: myriel@valoancenters.org

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