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Latest HL 363 published Aug 28, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Misc - HL 331 (6)

Editors Note: I know we are aging as a group of retirees and along with aging comes those times when some of our colleagues have made their final flight West.  Now I know this issue comes out about a month and a half from the last one.  In my misc inbox I do not “mark as read” Carol’s death notices of our fellow pilots until I publish the newest issue.  There were 41 notices since the last issue.  Maybe that isn’t a record but it is a lot of us flying West. Makes me pause a bit, makes me think a bit, and it makes me wish it were not so.  Live each day to the fullest, love those in your circle do good for your fellow man and make amazing memories. This life is short make the most of it. And a great big thank you to Carol who honors our flown West colleagues with so much respect and so beautifully. 


More kudos for Carol from the group:

Stephen Mills  smills470@gmail.com

Re: PCN - Death of WA/DL Capt. Richard A. 'Dick' Deeds, age 87


Nicely written obit. Quite accomplished too. I suspect you and your husband might have known him.





RE: PCN - Death of WA/DL Capt. Richard A. 'Dick' Deeds, age 87

Dearest Sandy (meant Carol),

I’m glad I sent this to you. 

Western adopted the Big W paint conversion in 1961.  The common objections I heard from other pilots was they didn’t like the “WEESTERN placed up the tail and the other was the absence of the Indian head profile.

Some foreign carriers adopted the treatment on the tails of their aircraft.

I thought some of the objections might have been placated if a mosaic of the Indian’s profile had instead of the WESTERN been painted on the tail, they would have been happy.

My thesis my last year of college was entitled “Elements of airliner paint design” “  I wrote all the domestic airlines asking them, among other questions why their planes were painted the way they were; how many man hours it took to paint the various aircraft; the weight of the paint applied; etc.

Most of the airlines too with these questions (including Delta and Western replied. 

I liked the new paint job.  It was simple, easily recognized, among other things.  That big “red W” on the fuselage could be recognized for quite a ways away.

What bothered me was the slow conversion of the new logo on the existing aircraft in the fleet.  Everything new from the factory had the new logo.

American converted their entire fleet of 700 planes in a year and a half.  Western took over 3-years to change the 71 fleet over to the new logo.

Then in 1996 the bean counters reasoned who much weight could be saved if the white paint could be removed, thus saving costs.  A three dimensional “W” was substituted.  Remember, the employees called the new paint job “Bud Lite”?

The flaw in the reasoning was the weight of the paint in the cans and then how much the weight was after the paint had dried.

Delta even went to weighing an aircraft weighed before the white paint was applied, and how much more the aircraft weighed after the paint had dried.  The difference was less than 100 pounds.

I made this known to the Marketing Department, but their replay was equivalent to a “Thank you very much and good day”.




From: pilotcommu...@googlegroups.com [mailto:pilotcommu...@googlegroups.comOn Behalf Of death.flwnwst
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2021 10:41 AM
To: Pilot Communication Net <
Subject: PCN - Death of WA/DL Capt. Richard A. 'Dick' Deeds, age 87



WA/DL Capt. Richard A. 'Dick' Deeds

February 16, 1934 ~ August 6, 2021

Dick joined Western Airlines  01-20-1964 and retired with Delta Air Lines in 1994, based 030/LAX at the time of his retirement.  Left to mourn Dick’s passing is his wife Mary Ann, his sons and many more family members, friends, and colleagues.

.....from son Ken's facebook page:  “It's with the heaviest of hearts I post my father, Captain Richard A. Deeds, passed yesterday at the age of 87 after a long battle with several health problems.   I don't know if there are words

in life for when we lose someone that loves us as much as my father loved me and our family.  His final months were not easy and his passing was a also a blessing at this point as he was in great pain and had no chance of ever

leaving a hospital bed.   To quote my father, "Getting old isn't for pussies."  

My father loved to fly.  If you never were in cockpit with my dad I don't know if you really knew the man.  His love for flight started from the first day he saw an airplane.  He learned to fly by going to the airport in Erie, PA, and cleaning and fueling planes for people.  They'd then sometimes take him and up and that's how he learned.   He worked on the original black box recorder for aviation and has a wall full of awards for his work and dedication to airline safety.  At the top of those was the Rare Bird award from ALPA (pilots union) which was for the single person that did the most for airline safety in a year.  My dad's concern and care for the passengers and other pilots was second to none.  He was lucky in that he spent his life doing what he loved the most for work.    I really don't know what happens after life but I pray my father is just flying an airplane somewhere.   It's what he was born to do.

My father accomplished so many things in his lifetime it's hard to list them here.  He served during the Korean War, he became an accomplished computer programmer after retiring from flying, he could make a speech like few people ever can, and he was one of the first people to survive a full kidney removal in the 1950s.   But among his accomplishments his love for me, my brother, and our family was probably his greatest.  You couldn't ask for someone to care more about their family than he cared about us.   You might match it, but you just can't care more than he did. I thank you dad for all the great times and memories.   I wish your passing was easier for you and once again I just hope you are flying an old biplane

through the clouds.  I love you and we'll all miss you.   The earth is a quieter and duller place without you.”


Condolences may be sent to the family at

6555 Gillis Drive , San Jose, CA 95120.

Thank you,

~ Carol for the PCN 




Re:  CORRECTION - PCN - Death of DL Capt. Donald Lee Hiers Sr., age 83


Dear Carol,

The thought of sending the correction of company affiliation concerning Don Hiers crossed my mind as well in that I happened to have had a distant relationship with him years ago and therefore knew him. Obviously another friend or family member took that upon themself to contact you  you. 


Appropriately enough you did reissue the notice and quickly I might add. You have a daunting task these days keeping us all informed with multiple groups who have become what we know as Delta. It is sad news but news of people who have been part of our lives. It is appreciated and you handle it with care. 


Thank you,  Capt.  Dick Gardner

                      Delta 1965 to 1996


Editor: Capt Gardner, you are correct, that Carol has a daunting task and does it impeccably. Thank you for recognizing that of her service.  Carol always deserves our commendation.



Capt Whitesell with a request for some collaboration.  If you want to help him to recall  infamous Captains of yesteryear please email him directly with your willingness. 

Larry Whitesell  oxpilot@gmail.com

Thanks Mark,

What I was looking for was an old Delta only, or maybe with NEA and Western retired that I saw years ago that had all the old guys we flew with, like Stew  Hopkins, Bondurant, Snake, etc. back to the '30s or '40s. I'm writing a column for AirClips and would like to add correct names etc.



Here below is an interesting article with some info you may or may not have heard about.  I publish it because it has been sent by a valued contributor and we are all big boys and girls and can deal with info how we wish. 

There are some really good points made here. You decide. 

Tony P   apapandrea@cfl.rr.com

Life is Good

In God We Trust

------ Forwarded Message --------
From: A very smart friend who writes in green
Date: 8/30/2021 8:04:35 PM


You started this argument a year ago, about natural immunity from Covid 19. So here are some data points from a large study.

My take away.

1.      The number of “cases” [define however you want and whatever to include] for vaccinated and infected w/o full vaccination are so small that the comparisons have no statistical correlation.

2.      Which leads me to another conclusion. Natural immunity is just as effective as vaccinations. Other papers we shared describe two types of immune response – in mucous membranes and T-cell anti-bodies. The rub is to understand when an infection leads to a beneficial immunity [beneficial to an individual and beneficial to the entire community].

3.      What I have not seen is a study of the Swedish experiment of allowing infecting as many as possible for herd immunity. Wonder why not?

4.      So what do I intend to do.

a.      I did get the two-dose vaccine.

b.     There are no data that say vaccines are dangerous [except for just-reported contamination in Moderna manufacturing with resulting deaths].

c.      I plan to abide by the New York advice about effectiveness of chicken soup for colds  – It can’t hurt. So I do intend to get a booster shot. It can’t hurt.

d.     Masks? They don’t screen out viruses, but do screen out droplets which carry the virus. I will wear a mask if it makes sense -- it can’t hurt.  But I don’t go crazy or religious about masks on myself or others. Hell, Asian countries wear masks during flu season.

e.      Political issue about mandates loss of liberty, or virtue signaling and hypocrisy of Libtards – my favorite response. True, true and true, but irrelevant. Imho, the call for mandates is just a political gimmick to say “Look how good am I -- doing "something" about Covid.” Effective or not.

Natural Immunity for the WIN! Israeli Study Suggests COVID-19 Vaccine Policies Should Change Now



The debate that never should have started is over. Thankfully, one nation in the world recognized natural immunity to COVID-19 in their vaccine program and has the data to force the issue in other countries. All Israelis are required to enroll in one of four national health funds. Maccabi Healthcare Services (MHS) covers 26% of the population and maintains centralized electronic medical records, which researchers anonymized and analyzed. 

Israel used the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine exclusively in their national vaccination program. When it implemented a vaccine passport program, the previously infected were provided with a passport and excluded from the vaccination push. Later, these individuals were allowed to receive one dose of the vaccine if they chose to, but it was not required to maintain their passports.

The preprint study includes over 700,000 Israelis in a matched cohort methodology. It includes MHS members 16 years and older who were vaccinated or had a documented SARS-CoV-2 infection before February 28, 2021. It compared those who were vaccinated and never infected, the recovered, and those who opted to take the single vaccine dose. The rich data set includes vaccination with dates, diagnosed infections, symptom profiles, hospitalizations, and deaths. Researchers evaluated four outcomes: documented RT-PCR confirmed SARS-CoV-2 disease, COVID-19, COVID-19-related hospitalization, and death.

After adjusting for comorbidities, there was a 13-fold increased risk for a breakthrough infection following vaccination instead of reinfection after recovery. The vaccinated subjects had a 27-fold increased risk for symptomatic COVID-19 than the previously recovered. There were eight hospitalized patients among the vaccinated and one among the recovered cohort. Thankfully, there were no deaths.

When researchers compared the recovered with and without a single vaccine dose, the differences were slight. Out of 14,029 subjects, the unvaccinated experienced 37 positive tests while those with a single dose had 20. Symptomatic disease occurred in 16 patients who received a single dose and 23 of their unvaccinated counterpoints. The increased risk for those without the vaccine is less than one-fold. No one died of COVID-19.

With such a large study population, these findings should have immediate implications for public policy.

Any city, employer, or educational institution requiring individuals to get vaccinated should amend their policy immediately to allow for proof of infection or immunity as acceptable. Any institution with mask mandates that apply only to the unvaccinated must amend them to recognize recovered individuals. Employees, students, and residents should insist.

An antibody or T-detect test should suffice in place of a vaccine. A recent study estimates that roughly one-third of the U.S. population had COVID-19 by the end of 2020. Unfortunately, testing identified less than 25% of the cases. Since the federal government is encouraging these mandates, they should provide free immunity tests the same way they provide free vaccines.

The unqualified push to give all Americans a complete vaccine series and boosters must be amended. Recovered patients with natural immunity should work with their doctor to make the best personal health decision. These decisions should take into account what we know about other respiratory viruses and mitigating immunity. As Harvard associate professor of epidemiology Dr. Michael Mina said in a recent interview:

I’ve always said that we’re going to age out of this virus. People are going to keep getting exposed. And whether it’s to Delta or to a variant in five months from now, every time you or I or anyone else gets exposed — they’re really building up a decent cushion of immunity with each of those exposures… So it’s only a matter of time before we actually have not only vaccine-derived immunity but natural infection-derived immunity, too.

Mina’s comments echo the predictions a group of researchers who study human coronaviruses made earlier in the pandemic:

Our analysis of immunological and epidemiological data on endemic human coronaviruses (HCoVs) shows that infection-blocking immunity wanes rapidly, but disease-reducing immunity is long-lived. Our model, incorporating these components of immunity, recapitulates both the current severity of CoV-2 and the benign nature of HCoVs, suggesting that once the endemic phase is reached and primary exposure is in childhood, CoV-2 may be no more virulent than the common cold.

The hypothesis requiring evidence to the contrary should always have been that natural immunity would be strong and durable. Early in the pandemic, researchers detected reactive immunity to SARS-CoV-1 in survivors after 17 years. The viruses are first cousins. Add what we understand about other human coronaviruses and the assumption should always have been in favor of the immune system.

Israel always bet on natural immunity, and the latest study of their results is irrefutable proof their hypothesis was correct. Combined, recovered patients with or without a single dose have a vanishingly small (0.3%) risk of symptomatic infections. Researchers should perform additional studies of the vaccinated who suffered from symptomatic COVID-19 during the Delta wave. Boosters for these individuals may make very little sense.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full post disclaimer in left column. PCN Home Page is located at: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html

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