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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Good Read - HL 320 (3)

From: wmkerschner88@gmail.com
Sent: 8/9/2020 7:03:15 AM Central Standard Time
Why did the US choose a US Navy Iowa-class battleship as the location for Japan's surrender in World War 2 even though they were in Tokyo Bay and could have used a building on land? Pure symbolism. Nothing says "you're utterly defeated" than having to board the enemy's massive battleship in the waters of your own capital city. A naval vessel is considered sovereign territory for the purposes of accepting a surrender. You just don't get that if you borrow a ceremonial space from the host country.

The Navy originally wanted the USS South Dakota to be the surrender site. It was President Truman who changed it to USS Missouri, Missouri being Truman's home state. The Japanese delegation had to travel across water to the Missouri, which sat at the center of a huge US fleet. It's a bit like those movie scenes where someone enters a big-wig's office, and the big-wig is sat silhouetted at the end of a long room, behind a massive desk. The appellant has to walk all the way to that desk along a featureless space, feeling small, exposed, vulnerable and comparatively worthless before the mogul enthroned in dramatic lighting before him. By the time he gets there the great speech he had prepared is reduced to a muttered sentence or two.

In addition, the USS Missouri flew the flag of Commodore Perry's 19th century gun-boat diplomacy mission that opened the closeted Edo-era Japan to the world and forced upon them the Meiji restoration which ended the rule of the samurai class. The symbolism here is pretty clear - "this is how we want you to be, and remember what happens to countries that defy us." It was particularly humiliating for a proud country like Japan, and that was entirely the point. The symbolism of the ceremony was even greater than that. The ship was anchored at the precise latitude/longitude recorded in Perry's log during his 1845 visit, symbolizing the purpose of both visits to open Japan to the West. Perry's original flag was also present, having been flown all the way from the Naval Academy for the ceremony.

When the Japanese delegation came aboard, they were forced to use an accommodation way (stairs) situated just forward of turret #1. The freeboard (distance between the ship's deck and the water line) there makes the climb about twice as long as if it had been set up farther aft, where the freeboard of the ship is less. NOTE: This was even more of an issue for the Japanese surrender party as the senior member, Foreign Affairs Minister Shigemitsu, was crippled by an assassination attempt in 1932, losing his right leg in the process.

The #1 and #2 turrets had been traversed about 20 degrees to starboard. The ostensible reason for this was to get the turret overhangs out of the way to create more room for the ceremony on the starboard veranda deck, but in fact this would have only required traversing turret #2 had it been the real reason. However, the turret position also put the gun tubes directly over the heads of the Japanese. They were literally boarding the ship "under the gun”.

The honor guard of US sailors (side boys) were all hand-picked to be over six feet tall, a further intimidation of the short-statured Japanese. The surrender documents themselves, one copy for the Allies and one for the Japanese contained identical English-language texts, but the Allied copy was bound in good quality leather, while the Japanese copy was bound with light canvas whose stitching looked like it had been done by a drunken tailor using kite string.

After the signing ceremony, the Japanese delegation was not invited for tea and cookies; they were shuffled off the ship as an Allied air armada of over 400 aircraft flew overhead as a final reminder that American forces still had the ability to continue fighting should the Japanese have second thoughts on surrender.

Now you know………

My neighbor’s son just went off to the Air Force and I gave him card with my upbeat view about the future of aviation.  I first wrote this for my passengers on my 2005 retirement flight.  I know this is a weird time to think about tech advances in aviation, with as many troubles as the airlines currently have because of the virus, but I am confident things will get better  and the miracle of  flight will once again be amazing again!!!

Thank God for flight!
An open letter from a Boeing 767 Captain
                On my 50th birthday my oldest son presented me with a gift of the Wright Brother’s “Miracle at Kitty Hawk.”  Reading their collection of letters are simply striking.   Your mind quickly fly’s away to a world that seems oh so long ago. An “ancient” world  with challenges that seemed incredibly over whelming.  This year we will all celebrate the 100th anniversary of powered flight.  Wow! 100 years!  The lifespan of but one mature man.  Just think of all that has happened in that 100 years.  When I was a student I was instructed by an individual who he himself was instructed by Orville Wright.  Separated by just three short generations from when flight began.   As we approach this anniversary it is more than a milestone, it is nothing short of awe-inspiring.  Just imagine what life would be like without flight.  Imagine a transcontinental or even a trans oceanic trip without flight.  Imagine how different this world would be without quick access to far away places.  Could you attend that distant graduation?  Would you vacation where you do?  How about those distant visits for business or relatives?  How often would they happen?  The world has truly shrunk and the level of commerce, culture, and ethnic integration that before was unfathomable is now reality.  And flight has made it all possible. 

            The dynamic nature of and depth of change in the aviation industry has few rivals.  From that early Wright flyer, engineering and entrepreneurs have taken us to incredible heights.  Boeing is responsible for designing and manufacturing the magnificent machine that I fly --- the Boeing 767.  Wilbur and Orville would be “blown away” with the accomplishments of Boeing and of this aircraft.  I am honored and privileged to pilot this craft for a living and thank Delta Air Lines for being wise enough to have chosen these Boeing products and providing me with the opportunity to pilot them.

             Ultimately, however, all thanks falls on the Wright Brothers for gifting all mankind with the miracle of flight.  All of us who have ever slipped the surly bonds owe them our gratitude, respect, and admiration.   Flight has changed my life.  Flight has likely changed every reader’s life as well!

            Now, as your Captain I would like to say “Welcome, and come on aboard.”  “Fasten your seatbelts, and lets go fly!”  Oh, in this next 100 year flight we may experience a bump or two,  but if the advances are as great in the next century as they were in the first 100 years,   hang on---- we are in for a thrilling ride!

Your Captain
Mark Sztanyo

Because of Christmas approaching I am going to share this list again with you:
Books by Fellow Pilots
Pilot Author List – Dear PCN, within this newsletter I try to publish the yearly updated pilot author list for many many great books to buy and read.  Then the latest list is usually added to the website that we own.  For reasons too complex to share I have lost some files for the website and need to fix that.
So I will included the latest list in this issue and try to shortly get it up on the website when able. 
Here below is the list that David Roberts produces for our group every year before Christmas time so as to buy a gift from one of our talented pilots who have written some very interesting reads. 
 "Christmas Shopping -- 2020"
Hello all,
When you're trying to decide what to buy for your favorite
"Captain" for Christmas, ask him to select two or three books from this great list of BOOKS BY DELTA PILOT AUTHORS below,
books that he would really like to read and have in his collection.  You can find these at
www.amazon.com or www.alibris.com, or preferably purchase them directly from the authors listed. 
You can have the author dedicate the book exactly as you wish when you buy it directly from them. 
You may want to forward this list to your children and grand-children too.

NOTE:  Book TITLES added this year will be displayed in GREEN INK font.

Merry Christmas Early everyone,

Dave Roberts

This is the 2019 VERSION of a growing list of 81 Delta Pilot Authors and their published works, a list of 7 Books About Delta Air Lines, Inc., and a list of Books by Delta Pilots' 16 Family Members.  The newest books, those published in 2018 & later or those new to this list, have the copyright date in BOLD  RED FONT.

Many of you receiving this are serious readers, and we like to know about Delta pilots who have written books.  You, more than anyone else, should know of other Delta Pilot authors who should be listed here.

Amazon.com has biographical information on many of these authors with much more than we have room for here.  Fill your curiosity at  www.amazon.com.

Please send me the names of other Delta Pilots, or their family members, who have authored and published books along with the titles of their books. and please make suggestions to improve this list.  I will update it  annually.





Anderson, John Aubrey (DL)  Abiding Darkness, The Black or White Chronicles, Book One (2006) Warner Faith   http://johnaubreyanderson.com/
Anderson, John Aubrey  Book Two Wedgewood Grey (2007)
Anderson, John Aubrey  Book Three And If I Die  (2007)
Anderson, John Aubrey  The Cool Woman (2010)

Barr, James C.  (DL) Airborne Weather Radar-A User's Guide  Iowa State University Press(1993)

Bennett, Paul W. (C&S)  FLYING -- A Look Back  (1999), Hardback--stories about C&S and Delta.

Blizzard, Dick  (DL)  An Eruption of Decadence (2006),
Blizzard, Dick   A Way Yonder (2014}

Brantner, Robert M. (DL)  My Year as an Alaskan Bush Pilot (2003)

Bullock, Ramond H. (WAL)   Airline Piloting (Published by The World press, inc, 1947) 163 pages

Butcher, D. Allen  (DL)  Sixty Years in the  20th Century: A Pilots Memoir (2012)

Cassen, Elizabeth  (WAL) THE LAST VOICES:  World War II Veterans of the Air War Speak More Than Half a Century Later (2014) 

Chierici Paco  (DL)  Lions of the Sky  (2019)

Cianci, Jim (DL)  Cooper's Airport Adventure  (2015)

Couch, Tony (DL)  "WATERCOLOR:  You Can Do It!" (1987) "How to" Watercolor instruction book
Couch, Tony   "Tony Couch's Keys to Successful Painting" (1992) Instruction book on design for painters

Cowee, Bruce T. editor  (WAL) -- Vietnam to Western Airlines:  An Oral History fo the Air War (2013) Over 30 pilots of the air war became Western pilots; these are their stories. 
Cowee, Bruce T. editor  (WAL) --
Vietnam to Western Airlines:  An Oral History fo the Air War, Vol. 2  (2017)
Cowee, Bruce T. editor  (WAL) -- Vietnam to Western Airlines:  An Oral History fo the Air War, Vol. 3 (2019)  www.vietnamtowesternairlines.com

Crum, John (DL) "Unfriendly Skies"  by Capt "X" and Reynolds Dodson (1989)

Diller, Richard  (DL)  Firefly, A Skyraider's Story of America's Secret War Over Laos (2013) 

Dunn, Mike  (DL)  Sidewinder (1991)
Dunn, Mike  Task Force (1992)
Dunn, Mike  Quicksilver (1993)
Dunn, Mike  Bridge of No Return (1996)

Entrekin, Paul T.  (DL) Mighty Hands:  Victory over Adversity througth the Grace of God (2011)
Entrekin, Paul T. Mr. MiG:  and the Real Story of the First Migs in America (2012)

Fay, Gerald W.  (PNA/WAL)  From A-3 to A-10 (1988)

Ferrell, Mallory Hope (WAL)    (Over 150 Links for "Mallory Hope Ferrell"  at  http://www.google.com)
  • Rails Sagebrush & Pine (1967, 1968, 1970)
  • The 1871 Grant Locomotive (Limited Edition 1971)
  • Silver San Juan...The Rio Grande Southern (1973, 1975)
  • The Gilpin Gold Tram...Colorado's Unique Narrow Gauge (1970, 1992,1998)
  • Tweetsie Country (1979, 1991)   
  • Colorado & Southern Narrow Gauge (1981)
  • West Side...Narrow Gauge in the Sierra (1979, 1992)
  • Southern Pacific Narrow Gauge (1982)
  • Utah & Northern (Colo.Rail Annual) (1981)
  • El Dorado Narrow Gauge (1990)
  • Argent...Last of the Swamp Rats ((1994)
  • Colorful East Broad Top (1993)
  • Virginia & Truckee...The Bonanza Road (1999
  • West Side Pictorial (2000)
  • The South Park Line (2003)
  • Slow Trains Down South, Vol. I (2005)
  • Slow Trains Down South, Vol.II (2006)
  • Norfolk & Western...Steam's Last Stand (2007)
  • Narrow Gauge Country (2006)
  • Nevada Central...Sagebrush Narrow Gauge (2010) 
  • Rails Around Lake Tahoe...Steam Trains and Steamboats of the Tahoe Region (2011)
  • Denver & Rio Grande...The Early Years (2016)
Fix, Mitchell  (NW)  Blame it on Adam  (2006)

Gallimore, Max  (DL)  From Here to Caprock  (2009)

Gandt, Robert L.  (NAT/PAA/DL)  copied from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Gandt


  • Season of Storms: The Siege of Hong Hong 1941 (SCMP Press, 1981) ASIN BooooEDW4G
  • China Clipper: The Age of the Great Flying Boats (Naval Institute Press, 1991/2010) ISBN 978-0870212093
  • Skygods: The Fall of Pan Am (Wm. Morrow, 1995/2012) ISBN 978-1888962116
  • Bogeys and Bandits: The Making of a Fighter Pilot (Viking, 1997) ISBN 978-0670867219
  • Fly Low, Fly Fast: Inside the Reno Air Races (Viking, 1999) ISBN 978-0670884513
  • Intrepid: The Epic Story of America's Most Legendary Warship (Broadway/Random House, 2008) ISBN 978-0767929981
  • The Twilight Warriors: The Deadliest Naval Battle of WWII and the Men Who Fought It (Broadway/Random House 2010) ISBN 978-0767932424
  • Mastery: A Mission Plan for Reclaiming a life of Purpose, Fitness, and Achievement (Dominus Press, (2015) ISBN 978-1516872688
  • Angels in the Sky: How a Band of Volunteer Airmen Saved the New State of Israel (WW Norton, 2017) ISBN 978-0-393-25477-8


Screen Credits

  • "Boom," Pensacola: Wings of Gold (CBS TV Series), 1998.
  • "Blue Angel," Pensacola: Wings of Gold, 1998.
  • "Rules of Engagement," Pensacola: Wings of Gold, 1999.
  • Technical consultant, Season 2, Pensacola: Wings of Gold, 1998-99.
  • " Chasing Reno Gold," air racing documentary as writer, host, consultant, 2012.
Garrison, Kevin  (DL)  Flying in Congested Airspace:  A Private Pilot's Guide  (Tab Practical Flying Series)  (1989)
Garrison, Kevin   Clear Left, I'll Have the Chicken (An Airline Captain Looks at Life) (2006)  
Garrison, Kevin   The CEO of the Cockpit (2009)
Garrison, Kevin   So You're Dead -- A Novice's Guide to Non-Being  (2011) (an E-book)
Garrison, Kevin   Great Attitudes:  Instrument Flying Tips and Techniques (2017)

Goldtwhaite, George  (DLFrom Youth to Vengeance  (2009)   http://georgegoldthwaite.com/
Goldthwaite, George
  The Return of Sam Rache  (2012)
Goldthwaite, George Captain Marsh's Gold  (2012
Goldthwaite, George The Bugler (2017)   Was released November 11, 2017 in Honor of Veterans Day
Goldtwhaite, George  Survival on Mystery Mesa  (2018)
Goldthwaite, George
  Return to Mystery Mesa  (2018)
Goldthwaite, George  Summer at Eagle Mountain  (2019)

Gravino, Nicholas  (NE)  A Pilot's Memoirs-From the Ground Up (2008)   
Gravino, Nicholas  The Adventures of Beppo The Italian Elf  (2010)

Gray, Steven R.  (DL) Rampant Raider: An A-4 Skyhawk Pilot in Vietnam (2007)

Hopkins, Kendall, et al. (WAL)  WE PUSHED THE LIMITS Reflections of Five Old Fighter Pilots (2005)

Hurley, C. D. (NE) "REVERIE" A Kaleidoscope of the Prose and Poetry in My Life  (2004)
Hurley, C. D.  POT O' GOLD, Prose, Poetry and A Tale O'thu Sea  (2005)
Hurley, C. D.  Squirrels And Quasars & Stuff (2007)

Ippolito, William  (DL)  Leaving on a Jet Plane (2002)

Jones, Harrison  (DL)   Equal Time Point (2009)
Jones, Harrison  Shadow Flight  (2011)
Jones, Harrison The Pilot Class (2015)
Jones, Harrison  Miracle on Buffalo Pass:  Rocky Mountain Airways Flight 217 (2017)  
         [Harrison Jones is the pen name of retired Delta Captain Bob Jones.]

Kerschner, Bill and Phyllis (DL) Plucky-Lucky Duck's Amazing Adventure,  [Vantage Press, 2007)

Klumpp, William "Fritz"  (DL)  Wings of Gold Wings of Truth  (2019)

Knott, Ron  (DL)  Trophies of Heaven  (1995)
Knott, Ron  God's Guarantees for Giving (2002)
Knott, Ron  Testimonies For the Soul (2007)
Knott, Ron  Supersonic Cowboys (2009)
Knott, Ron  Jesus Christ - Who is He?  (2011)
Knott, Ron  "Born Again" the Bible Way  (2011) 

Koehn II, James J. and Werkema, Mark A.  (NW)  The Flight Before Christmas  (2003)

Lawson, Archie B.  (WAL)  View From the Cockpit:  Looking Up  (2004) 

Lenker, Karl  (DL)  Final Trumpet  (2008)

Lewis, Michael Byars  (DL)  Surly Bonds (2012)
Lewis, Michael Byars  Veil of Deception (2015)

Mauldin, Bill (PAA)  State Troopers of America (2006)  

McCullough Kathy (NW)  Ups and Downs (2016)
McCullough, Kathy (NW) To the Edges of the World (2018)  http://kathymccullough.photodeck.com/

McGinnis, Daryle D.  (DL)  Stewardess Stories (2006)
McGinnis, Daryle D.  The Skybrokers  (2007)
McGinnis, Daryle D.  A Waterfall in a War  (2007)
McGinnis, Daryle D.  Long Odds  (2012)
McGinnis, Daryle D.  Val of Vietnam (2014) 

McGregor, Kevin A.  (DL)  Flight of Gold   (2013) http://www.in-deptheditions.com

Mendenhall, Patrick J.  (NW) Beyond the Checklist (2012)

Morgan, Rick  (DL)   The Youth Sports Leadership Development Manual:  Six Essential Leadership Lessons You Can Teach Your Child with Any Sport (2012)
[Rick is a SLC pilot and the son of retired DL MIA-ATL Captain John Morgan.]

Morris, Gregory L.  (DL)  Candlestick Charting Explained (1992,1995)

Mudge, Robert W.  (NE)  Meteorology for Pilots (1945)
Mudge, Robert W.  Adventures of a Yellow Bird (1969), Hard back. A Northeast Airline History

Norris, Robert   (DL) The Barrett Solution  (2011)  
http://ronorris.com/book.html            ~  rnorris@stx.rr.com

Palmer, Bill  (NW) Understanding Air France 447 (2013)
Palmer, Bill  Airbus A330  Normal Law:  Putting Fly-by-wire  into perspective (2016)

Papadakis, Myron P. (DL)  Aircraft Accident Reconstruction and Litigation 1st ed (1996)- 623 pages
Papadakis, Myron P.  Aircraft Accident Reconstruction and Litigation 2nd ed (2000)
Papadakis, Myron P.  Civil Trial Practice - Winning Technigues 792 pages (2000)
Papadakis, Myron P. Aircraft Accident Reconstruction and Litigation 3rd edition (2003)
Papadakis, Myron P.  Aircraft Accident Reconstruction and LItigation 4th edition (2011)

Parrott, Douglas H. (NW) The Greatest Time to Fly  (2016)  <dparrott@midrivers.com>

Patterson, Robert 'Buzz'  (DL)  Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security (2003) http://www.buzzpatterson.com/
Patterson, Robert 'Buzz'  Reckless Disregard: How Liberal Democrats Undermine Our Military, Endanger Our Soldiers. and Jeopardize Our National Security (2004)
Patterson, Robert 'Buzz'  War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy the Military and Lose the War on Terror (2007)
Patterson, Robert 'Buzz'  Conduct Unbecoming: How Barack Obama is Destroying the Military and Endangering Our Security (2010)

Petitt, Karlene   (NW) Flight for Control (2012)  How far can they break the industry before they break the pilots?
Petitt, Karlene   Flight for Safety  (2014)  Cutbacks in training run deeper than corporate corruption
Petitt, Karlene   I am Awesome  The ABCs of Being Me (2015)
Petitt, Karlene   Flight to Success, Be the Captain of Your Life (2015)
Petitt, Karlene   Flight for Survival  (2016)  Drug smuggling, drones, and the opening of safety culture.
Petitt, Karlene  Flight For Sanity  (2017) When a pilot fights for safety and relation runs deep. 
Petitt, Karlene  Jungle Air. Where monkeys are paid bananas for pushing buttons (2018)
Petitt, Karlene PhD.   Normalization of Deviance  (2019)   The readable version of her PhD dissertation.

Prouse, Lyle, (NW)   Final Approach: Northwest Airlines Flight 650 Tragedy and Triumph  (2011)  www.lyleprouse.com

Quilter, Charles J.  (WAL) U.S. Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1990-1991: With the I Marine Expeditionary Force in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Washington: Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, History and Museums Division, GPO, (1993).
Quilter, Charles J. and John Chapin, A History of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531. Washington: Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, History and Museums Division, GPO, (2001).

Reiner, Arnold  (PAA)  46 DRIVER: A Marine Corps Helicopter Pilot's Vietnam Memoir (2013)

Rosenkranz, Keith   (DL)  Vipers In The Storm: Diary of a Gulf War Fighter Pilot (2002)

Ryder, Nicholas G.  (?)  Ryder's Standard Geographic Reference, a satellite photo atlas of America (1982)

Samson, Art  (WAL)  The Captains' Airline: Pushing Back From The Brink (2012).

Saux, Jack   (DL)  Clueless in New Orleans, Adventures in Adolescence  (2011)
Saux, Jack  The Pilot and the Fairy Princess (2011) An E-book
Saux, Jack   The Lamp (2014)
Saux, Jack   Act of Faith (2014) An  E-book.
Saux, Jack   The Program (2015) An E-book
Saux, Jack Men, By Nature, Are Foolish  (2015) An E-book
Saux, Jack   The Pilot  (2016) An E-book
Saux, Jack  Clueless, the Adventure Continues (2018) an E-book.

Schwab, Allen  (PAA)  High Performance IFR Flying (1982)

Severe, Errol  (DL)  The Last of a Breed. (1997). 

Shelfer, Bennett  (PAA)  Drawing Dead (2012)

Shettle, M.L. Jr.  (DL)  UNITED STATES NAVAL AIR STATIONS OF WORLD WAR II - Volume 1 Eastern States, Schaertel Publishing, 2000, many photos, 241 pgs.
Shettle, M.L. Jr. UNITED STATES NAVAL AIR STATIONS OF WORLD WAR II - Volume 2 Western States Schaertel Publishing, 1997, many photos, 284 pgs.
Shettle, M.L. Jr. UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS AIR STATIONS OF WORLD WAR II, self-published, 2001, photos & history of each Marine Corps air station, 22 in all, many photos, 179 pgs.
Shettle, M.L. Jr.  Georgia's Army Air Fields of WW II -  140 pages, 213 photos.  self-published. (2005)
Shettle, M.L. Jr. Dixie Airways --  Part One (2013) An E-book. (Free to DL people at <mlshettle@charter.net>)

Solohub, Roman T.  (DL)  Clear Thinking When Drinking: The Handbook for Responsible Alcohol Consumption (2007)   

Stannard, Louis  (PAA)  China Diaries.  (2004)    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FA8KQS8?keywords=china%20diaries&qid=1446673815&ref_=sr_1_4&sr=8-4

Sternstein, Ed  (DL) From Takeoff to Landing (Everything You Want to Know About Flying but Have No One to Ask) (1991) 

Stevens, Robert W.  (?)  Alaskan Aviation History (Vol. I: 1897-1928)
Stevens, Robert W.  Alaskan Aviation History (Vol. II: 1929-1930)

Stienke, Buck  (DL)  Black Eagle Force:  Sacred Mountain  (2011) 
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  Eye of the Storm   (2012) 
Stienke, Buck  The Nations  (2012) 
Stienke, Buck   Return of the Starfighter (2012) 
Stienke, Buck   Haunted Falls  (The Nations Book 2) (2013)
Steinke, Buck   Aurora:  Invasion  (Black Eagle Force Book 6)  (2014) 
Steinke, Buck   Legend of Aurora  (2014)
Steinke, Buck   Second Chance  (Volume 1) (2014)
Steinke, Buck   Across the Red  (The Nations Book 4)  (2015)
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  Eye of the Storm (Revised)  (2015) 
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  ISIS (2015)
Stienke, Buck   Bass and the Lady  (The Nations Book 5)
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  Fourth Reich  (2016)
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  Sacred Mountain (2016)
Stienke, Buck   Black Eagle Force:  Blood Ivory (2016)
Stienke, Buck   Return of the Starfighter  (Black Eagle Force Book #3 (2016)
Stienke, Buck  Blood Brothers (2016)
Stienke, Buck   Flynn the Series (The Nations) (2017) 

Stout, Jay A. (DL)  Fortress Ploesti:  The Campaign to Destroy Hitler's Oil (2003)
Stout, Jay A.   To Be a U.S. Naval Aviator (2005)
Stout, Jay A.   Hammer from Above:  Marine Air  Combat Over Iraq  (2009)
Stout, Jay A.   The First Hellcat Ace (2009)
Stout, Jay A.   The Men Who KIlled the Luftwaffe:  The U.S. Army Air Forces Against Germany in World War II (2010)
Stout, Jay A.   Hornets over Kuwait (2011)
Stout, Jay A.   Fighter Group:  The 352nd "Blue-Nosed Bastards" in World War II  (2012)
Stout, Jay A.   Unsung Eagles:  True Stories of America's Citizen Airmen in the Skies of World War II  (2013)
Stout, Jay A.   Slaughter at Goliad:  The Mexican Massacre of 400 Texas Volunteers (2014)
Stout, Jay A.   Hell's Angels:  The True Story of the 303rd Bomb Group in World War II (2015)
Stout, Jay A.  Vanished Hero:  The Life, War and Mysterious Disappearance of America's WWII Strafing King
Stout, Jay A.  Air Apaches:  The True Story of the 345th  Bomb Group and  Its Low, Fast, and Deadly Missions in World War II (2019)

Taylor, Clayton  (NW)  Sojourners of the Sky  (2014)

Taylor, Steve  (DL)   Wheels Up, Skyjinks in the Jet Age  (2014)
Taylor, Steve  I Thought He Would Be in Jail  (2015)  

Thomas, Roger  (WAL)  Cyclone (2013)     <jollyrog@gte.net>
[ Roger Thomas is the pen name of retired Delta Captain Roger Horrell.]

Trahan, Mike  (DL)  The Gift (2013)
Trahan, Mike  The Gift Part Two - The Air Force Years  (2013)

Tripp, Bob  (WAL)  Last Clear Chance  (2008)

Vance, Hobey  (DL)  Battle at Prostate Ridge  (2012)  http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/157032

Vander Ende, Dirk   (DL)  Sting of Justice  by Dirk Gerrit (pen name) (2005)

Vihlen, Hugo  (DL)  April Fool:  Or, How I sailed from Casablanca to Florida in a six-foot boat  (1971)
Vihlen, Hugo  The Stormy Voyage of Father's Day (1997)

Werkema, Mark A.  (NW)  On Fulcrum's Wings  (2000)
Werkema, Mark A. and Koehn II, James J. The Flight Before Christmas  (2003)

Whitcomb, Darrel D.   (DL)   The Rescue of Bat 21  (1998)
Whitcomb, Darrel D.  Combat Search and Rescue in Desert Storm (2006)

Whitten, Louis G.   (DL)  Whitten's Flying Fables: How Not to Fly or How to Crash or How Not to Crash (1994).

Woodul, Jack & Powell, R.R.  (DL)  Duel ove Douai: A Novel of First World War Aviation (2011)
Woodul, Jack  The Breaks of Naval Air:  The Further Adventures of Youthly Puresome   (2015)


Delta:  The History of an Airline, by W. David Lewis and Wesley Phillips Newton (1979)  A pictorial history.

Delta Air Lines:  Debunking the Myth, by Sidney F. Davis  (1989)

DELTA:  The Illustrated History of A Major U.S. Airline And The People Who Made It, by R.E.G. Davies (1990)

Delta Air Lines, by Geoff Jones (1998)

Delta Air Lines:  75 Years of Airline Excellence (Images of America), by Geoff Jones (2003)

Airline Without A Pilot - Leadership Lessons / Inside Story of Delta's Success, Decline and Bankruptcy, by Harry L. Nolan (2005)

The Skies Belong to US --The hijacking of Western 701 in 1972. by Brendan I. Koerner (2013)  


Arndt, Joan L.  --  Wife of retired Delta Captain Roger Arndt.
         Italian Lessons (2008)

Bauer, Janis  --  Wife of retired WAL/DL Captain Jack Bauer.
        Western Airlines, A Pictorial History of Western Airlines and Inflight 
(1986)  216 pages. <jbnv24@gmail.com>

Carson, Shelley H.  PhD,  Department of Psychology, Harvard University  --  Wife of retired Delta Captain David Carson and former Delta F/A.
        Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.(2010)

Carson, Nacie -- Daughter of retired Delta Captain David Carson.
        The Finch Effect: The Five Strategies to Adapt and Thrive in Your Working Life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (2012)

Crawford, James -- Grandson of retired Delta Captain Norman Topshe.
        The Age of the Aviator (2006)  

Dearie, John -- Son of retired Delta Captain John Dearie -- and co-author Courtney Geduldig.
         Where the Jobs Are:  Entrepreneurship and the Soul of the American Economy (2013)

Gardner, Marty -- She was a retired Delta F/A & Wife of retired Delta Captain Jim Gardner.  Marty passed away 10/30/2018.
         Loving Wings (2009)

Godfrey, Jo Ann -- Former wife of retired MSY Captain Preston Peaden and retired Delta F/A.
         "From Hurricane Katrina to the Middle East:  A True Love Story...With Life Lessons Learned" (2010)

Henderson, David  --  Son of retired Delta Captain Parker Henderson.
         Sunshine Skies: Historic Commuter Airlines of Florida & Georgia (2008) 

Hill, Kathryn --  Wife of the late retired Delta Captain Charlie Hill.   
         Express Malice  (2013)    

Irwin, Tim, Ph.D. -- Son of the late retired Delta Captain Jim Irwin.
         Derailed:  Five Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures or Leadership  (2009)     

Porter, Rev Frieda N. 'Fritz'  --  Wife of the late retired Delta Captain David Porter.
        On the Brink of the Rapture (2010)
Poteet, Charlotte - Wife of retired Delta Captain Bill Poteet.
Georgette, Where Are You?:  And Other Stories of God Interacting with His People (2017)
Severe, Beth -- Wife of retired Delta Captain Errol Severe.
The dream (I wanna fly!)  Unbound (2000)
        You Know My Voice...HEAR ME:  perfecting holiness in the fear of God.   II Corinthians 7:1   Kindle Edition (2015)

Shreve, Anita -- The daughter of the late retired NE/DL Captain Richard H. Shreve, Anita passed away March 29, 2018 at 71.


  • Past the Island, Drifting  (1975)
  • Eden Close  (1989)
  • Strange Fits of Passion  (1991)
  • Where or When  (1993)
  • Resistance  (1995)
  • The Weight of Water  (1997)  (Shortlisted for the 1998 Orange Prize)
  • The Pilot's Wife  (1998)
  • Fortune's Rocks (1999)
  • The Last Time They Met  (2001)
  • Sea Glass  (2002)
  • All He Ever Wanted  (2003)
  • Light on Snow  (2004)
  • A Wedding in December (2005)
  • Body Surfing  (2007)
  • Testimony (2008)
  • A Change in Altitude  (2009) Rescue (2010)
  • Stella Bain (2013)
  • The Stars are Fire (2017)
  • Remaking Motherhood: How Working Mothers are Shaping our Children's Future   (1987)
  • Women Together, Women Alone:  The Legacy of the Consciousness-Raising Movement (1989)

Walsh, Darlene -- Wife of retired Delta Captain J. D. 'Denny' Walsh
         Roswell, A Pictorial History   (1985)  [about Roswell, Georgia]
         Providence - Selected Correspondence of George Hull Camp (2008)

Webster, Anne -- wife of retired Delta Captain Larry Webster.
A History of Nursing, released by Kennesaw State University Press (2008) http:///www.ahistoryofnursing.com




And Happy New Year..!!


David L. Roberts
Captain, MD-11, ATL (Ret.)
12080 Brookfield Club Drive
Roswell, GA 30075-1259

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