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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mark's Remarks - HL 317 (3)

High Life 317  |   PCN Home  |  Post to PCN   | G-Group   |  Calendar   |  PCN Ads  |  Sign Up  |  FAQs   

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Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),

2020 is turning out for some active pilots as looking very similar, in many ways, to 2005.  15 years after our “big event” here comes a new one.  In the below Misc section you will read a number of memo’s and letters that really address the crisis of today’s airline.  Let me just say, prepare yourself, because it ain’t pretty.

The cure and the disease –  Was the cure worse than the disease?  The answer to this question will depend on who you ask.  Ask someone who has lost a loved one and you may hear that we didn’t do enough.  Ask someone who has lost their business livelihood and income and you may hear another viewpoint. 

We faced a health crisis to be sure.  But if we let the doctors run our economy, which holds everything else together, then as a liberty loving nation……. we are doomed!  (see what is happening to our company and the airline industry  later in this edition). We have to have a better plan than shutting down our economy the next time around.

Stay at home day ??!  Yeah, that’s right, it has gone on so long I have no idea how long we have been at this.  But please make it end!  I  want normal life back!!!  Nice little rant, but believe me I  could go on.   When I hear things like “it will never be the same” or “welcome to the NEW normal” I cringe.  To suggest we cannot shake hands or hug strange women, that is far too  much to expect.  This has been long enough in a weird world and it has made me stir crazy for sure.  How about you?  Are you holding up? 

Half way through “30 Days to Slow the Spread”
Well, we are about half way through the “2nd” stay at home order and on day 31 of the American shutdown, so I was wondering: How are you doing?  To be honest I am going a little stir crazy.  I finished almost all of my ‘honey do’ list and looking for jobs to do.  What are you doing to pass the time?  What are your thoughts about the whole shutdown?  Share your thoughts about the 4 time reduced model predictions of total fatalities? What do you think about the sacrifice/harm to our economic engine to fight this pandemic?  All opinions are fair and all will be shared if you send ‘em in. 

Tax Day Shift:
Yes, this High Life is coming to you on the traditional April 15th Tax Day but as you all know it has been moved to July 15th.  Yeah! 

PCN subscribers:
I certainly do not need to tell you that since we formed the PCN that we have lost a lot of good people of whom many were subscribers.  1554, is the number of those whose death notice has been archived on the PCN Flight West page, as of this post.  That is a lot of very very fine people that we have lost.  Our goal is to notify our group and provide a lasting tribute in honor of their life at PCN Flight West. 

Well, with that said, some of you may wonder how our level of subscriptions has been impacted.  In a very real sense the numbers of subscribers, 2670, has remained virtually the same as it was shortly after the merge forming the PCN of my old Retired Slug Network and David Robert’s list back in 2009.   


New PCN subscriber Sign Up:

As you most of you know our PCN is a private subscribed to online community.  We maintain a list of that virtually eliminates spammers or other online undesirables from joining with a simple sign up procedure, so the applicant can be screened.  I am very happy with how this has worked as we can be assured that everyone on the 2670 member list is legit.

If you know of a pilot who wishes to join our community and receive our notices they can easily and painlessly become a subscriber for FREE by simply filling out the SIGN UP form.  If a current member vouches for a friend and simply sends in their former Delta position and email, I have always considered this an appropriate vetting and added them directly to the list.

Thanks for helping the PCN remain the largest retired Delta pilot online community and for helping keep our mailing list made up of all legit subscribers. 


PCN sends out the High Life in 2 ways via a Blog page and a PDF file.  But the PCN also has a website with helpful information archived.   Check out some of the elements of the PCN Website like:

Comprehensive Flown West List page: http://pcn.homestead.com/FlightWest.html

Seniority lists and Hotel page  (password protected): http://pcn.homestead.com/Seniority.html

Thanks for checking the PCN Web Site out and please report any page that needs an update!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full post disclaimer in left column. PCN Home Page is located at: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html

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