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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Misc - HL 298 (1)

Nice string regarding services provided and the sometimes “data overflow” that we can get as subscribers:

Date: 10/28/18 09:26:04
Cc: Sztanyo Mark'
Subject: RE: Website commentary from Rollin

Well said Dave, thank you for taking the time to cover all the issues.

Carol Ann Faulkner and PCN does a wonderful job with death notices.
Thanks for the positive push for DGW!

From: David Ewing [mailto:davidewing767@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 11:34 PM
To: David L. Roberts
Cc: Sztanyo Mark
Subject: Re: Website commentary from Rollin

Thank you, Dave. 

I need to correct an item. The DGW website no longer has the roster on it because of the security problem. We don’t need 20,000 users downloading the roster. Roster is now sent out by MailChimp email with a link to the MailChimp server where it may be downloaded. It may also be sent out when requested by a DGW member. 

Dave E. 

On Oct 27, 2018, at 8:17 PM, David L. Roberts <robertsDL@mindspring.com> wrote:
To David Ewing et al, and I've added Mark Sztanyo to the group.

Just my two cents worth in reply, but I think it needs saying.....!! 

I think we have, in places, a functioning and overflowing information 'river', coming from DGW, from PCN, from all of us above, from Delta, from DeltaNet, from the national news and from all of that related SPAM that we forward to each other every day.  We don't have time to open much of it and just click delete.

An appropriate place for Bonnie McCullough's obituary is with Carol Ann Faulkner at the PCN http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html who keeps obituaries archived on the PCN FLIGHT WEST page at http://pcnflightwest.blogspot.com/.  All of us are members of the PCN or should be and we can easily research earlier obituaries that we missed the first time they were circulated.

I think the PCN web site  is the most UNDER-USED application online for Delta retirees.  Nearly everything you ever want or need to know has already been put there and everything that was ever entered into the PCN High Life issues are archived ever since Mark Sztanyo began keeping it.  Click on the web site's home page and just look at the nearly 50 LINK buttons presented thereon.  And if you click on the LINKS button on the top line, it opens up additional pages with even more links related to us and our pilot profession.  It is, in the words of my grandchildren, an AWESOME benefit.

The DGW web site does the same for Delta Golden Wings members and includes a members roster that is password protected.  More than you'd ever need to know for just $20 per year.  One movie for you and your lady.

The DeltaNet web site does much the same and the latest revision has considerably less clutter than before with all the pass/travel links you need.

Take a look at the Retired Northwest Pilots Association, their www.rnpa.org web site is worth viewing and you can click on their CONTRAILS link to view their online magazine.  It's easily downloaded and it's 69 pages long.  Has LOTSA photos, a consideration that Rollin mentioned in his note below, and is something DGW might consider doing online-only as the RNPA have.

I could go on and on but I encourage each of us to toot this positive information horn among our sad-faced colleagues who can't see the forest for the bankruptcy trees years ago.  I remember when I first came on board hearing those old gray haired senior captains, all of whom then were under 60, complaining about the C&S merger and how bad it killed their careers, while they were flying DC-8s to the west coast. 

That's my two-cents rant and thanks for hearing me out.

With my greatest respect,


At 04:35 PM 10/27/2018, David Ewing wrote:

Three days ago I was asked by Rollin via Julian to place info on the website about  Bonnie McCullough, recently deceased. I told them I would be happy to send out an email provided they provided the article.

The below is what I received today.

I agree with Rollin that the website may not be used to the utmost, but disagree that obituaries or other temporary info should be stored in it. Who has the time to change thousands of photos weekly? I have no idea what DGW daily news might be. I have never received any info for DGW daily news. Julian has placed DGW functions info on the PCN calendar. He also sends out duplicate DGW emails using his own email list. As far as Newsletters, they have all been put out by USPS or email since the website started. For a while they were posted on the web as was the history. But the security problem prevents that now. Rollin’s newsletters were also sent by USPS and email and were on the web. If anyone wants to do a newsletter I’ll be happy to put it out in email. Security problems prevent web publication of these items. Fewer than 30 members do not use email.

The website is easy to get to. It has the mission statement. It has links to get membership forms and rosters on it. It has reunion info (so does the email) and reunion applications on it. That is what Larry Rollow asked me to do.

With the help of Dan Siler a new website was built with many free features, like the ZIP code locator and changing photos. Those features are no longer free so are not being used. The website is very complicated and very difficult for me to use.

I don’t do Facebook!

Jim Baird and I have a very good relationship with the Roster. It is a major part of DGW. We like to keep it accurate. It is updated as necessary and published via email about three times per year.

I appreciate the submissions for publication from Joe, Jeff and Jim H. and the newsletters from Rollin. Remember, I am an editor and publisher - not a writer!

The reunion page for PHL in 2019 has been updated.

There is a major security problem with the website that I can not solve, other than requesting a third party to run the site. There are no checks built into the registration system. There are 20,000 names on the user list. If I remove any they pop right back on the list via some robot. I don’t put any personal info of members on the website. Rosters are delivered by email in mass mailings or on request.

The MailChimp email is secure. It allows links to download documents. It keeps a record of who opens an email or clicks on links. It is a great tool!

If the board wants me to check the costs of a professionally built and monitored website I can do that. If the board wants someone else to perform these functions that’s OK too.

I’m glad that there were over 1100 members of DGW many years ago, but the turmoil of 2005 and subsequent left many DL pilots, including me and most current DGW board members without their contracted retirement money and medical. Many of those who left DL early worked at other not so good airline companies and many are working or worked for foreign carriers. Many of those folks don’t care about DL or DGW. That is unfortunate. It’s hard to get rid of that bitter taste. The bidding process in effect today prevents the bonding of crew members too.  I don’t think a website has any affect on these folks.

I recommended trying to get the PCN group involved with DGW and I don’t know whether that has happened.

I have asked Dave Roberts if he used the DGW Roster to send out Merle Baggett’s obituary. If he did I will not use the DGW email to repeat it.

I just want the full board to be aware of this communication.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Mr ROLLIN JACKSON <jetretset@yahoo.com>
Date: October 27, 2018 at 11:18:58 AM CDT
To: David Ewing davidewing
Subject: The Bonnie McCullough Obituary

I submitted to Julian this morning a short article on Bonnie's death and then later talked to him about it, deciding that we would just let it go - just like all the other DGW daily news.

During the period of presidency of Bob Schorr, myself and Freddy Miller, Bonnie was the reunion event planner for all the reunions for a period of time of up to maybe 8 years.  At that time the membership
was about 1100 plus, not including spouses - the highest it ever was.  She specialized in event planning, and as wife of well-known "Mac" McCullough, one of our senior pilots, she did the most fantastic job of reunion planning ever done for the organization.  Her "After Reunion Events" started during my presidency and we drew almost 200 people to those reunions as compared to 47 at the last event.  Our activities were fantastic.
She was well-known and well-liked, and appreciated for her planning of varied events far surpassing what has been done in more recent years.  That is why I was going to put the article out.  I had not heard from her in a number of years since my wife and I visited their aviation community near Daytona Beach after her husband died.  I just happened to go to Google to check on her as I do so many time for other older members as well
 as a number of pilots I went to school with in the USAF and flew with at Delta.  Bonnie's end came when Freddy and Ann Miller took it upon themselves to do most of the planning themselves leaving her out of the picture.  She lost an interest after that and after her pilot husband passed.

So, a website for an organization should be maintained for "the lastest ongoing news" about  members and activities.  Few people go to our website because it has become basically stagnant with little up-to-date news other than maybe an article about a reunion.  There is no way today for our remaining membership - say over 500 people - to know anything without a newsletter but by only a website.  But few people probably go to the website.  For instance, if the website was extremely active on a weekly basis, we could run some of the thousands of photographs that we have on hand from not only the present but from the past events and members of the past - if that interested the current membership.  You and I know, and see, the dimming interest that our Delta people have of that as we see the almost total lack of interest of the current large pilot force for a membership in Delta Golden Wings.  There is no need for "social organizations" today as there once was before the spread of electronic social equipment/media/programs that are used by our pilot force today.  Most could are less about DGW or anything similar because each has their own iPhone or similar article at their fingertips.

I know your status!  You are aging like all of us; tired of getting no help or assistance with the long-standing webpage and finding it takes extra effort just to try and keep the webpage secure without worrying
about frequent updates.  Many of us need replacements, but there is no one to replace us.

My wife and I keep up with hundreds of older friends and acquaintances by using Facebook.  DGW could have had a Facebook page if people had been really interested.  But, very few people take the time to really care
about others or look up of place data relating to the organization.  I, like you, keep this position I volunteer for as DGW Historian.  I will stay with it as long as I have good health and toward the eventual folding of the organization.  I hope, in some small way, the Delta Museum will take our data records and place them in safe custody or use them in some way historically some future day.

Thanks again for all your time and effort a website manager.

Rollin Jackson

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full post disclaimer in left column. PCN Home Page is located at: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html

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