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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 366 published Dec 16, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Insurance - HL 243 (1)

The following is not an endorsement by the PCN.  Just information sharing!

Dear HCTC Eligible Airline Retirees,
Join Us for one of our Bi-Weekly 2016 MedicareConference Call/Webinars
November and December 11 AM EST each Tuesday and Thursday
Please review the discrepancy that has been identified in the description of the Copper Plan on the Pre-65 HCTC plan.  When I displayed the screen shot of the overview of the plan designs, I put up an old spreadsheet that does not reflect the current coverage of the Copper plan on the website.  This was brought to my attention by Blue Cross last week and I have since replaced the inaccurate plan design description with the correct one and I apologize for the mistake.

The other descriptions were correct.  If you selected the Copper Plans using that description, please review your options as this is an increase in your out of pocket cost you need to be aware of!  

Again, I am sorry for the mistake but you can make the necessary changes if you would like or cancel the plans you selected, there is still plenty of time.

Thanks for your understanding, Cathy   

Dear HCTC Eligible Airline, Auto and Steel Retirees,
You still have plenty of time to enroll in your Pre-65 Healthcare plans for 2016!
We we will hold another Pre-65 HCTC Conference Call along with a Webinar for those that would like to follow along with their computers.  Tuesday, December 01, 2015 at 3PM EST!  

The link to the webinar  to start the Webinar Portion of the Meeting (if you are asked for a password, please enter the word: meeting)  
Webex Link -  https://bcbsm.webex.com/bcbsm/j.php?MTID=m8e92bdcebd819def4686f2ba1508f5dd
Webex Password (if prompted) - meeting
 Cut and paste this link above into your browser  for Phone Dial-in: 
             1-800-462-5837    Meeting Pass code: 735-511-987#
We will go over your benefits, the HCTC program for Retirees in the Airline, Auto and Steel Industries receiving a pension check from the PBGC between the ages of 55-65 and/or dependents that are under the age of 65 if the PBGC Eligible Retiree has been on Medicare for less than 24 months.  Please go to  www.coneretireebenefits.com for the latest information.  If you are unable to join the call, you can contact Benistar for information 1-800-236-4782 or you can contact Cathy Cone directly at cathy@coneretireebenefits.com

You can now find the Pricing, Summary Plan Descriptions and Enrollment Forms  for the Pre-65 HCTC Plans offered on a nationwide basis through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, on our website www.coneretireebenefits.com Today!  Simply click on the link at the top of the Home page that says Pre-65 Summary Plan Designs and Rates and it will take you to that page.  You will need to complete the form, provide a copy of proof of your receipt of a pension check from the PBGC along with your first months payment to Benistar at the address on the enrollment form on page 2.  You can find a copy of all the plan designs being offered and the complete coverage details on the website.  
                          To start the Telephone Portion of the Meeting:
                                             Dial-in: 800-462-5837
                                  Meeting Pass code: 735-511-987#
We realize it is late notice and we are doing our best to provide you with the information in order to help you with your 2016 Healthcare enrollment decisions.  Please go to  www.coneretireebenefits.com for the latest informaiton.  If you are unable to join the call, you can contact Benistar for information 1-800-236-4782 or you can contact Cathy Cone directly at cathy@coneretireebenefits.com 
You can now find the Pricing, Summary Plan Descriptions and Enrollment Forms  for the Pre-65 HCTC Plans offered on a nationwide basis through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, on our website www.coneretireebenefits.com Today!  Simply click on the link at the top of the Home page that says Pre-65 Summary Plan Designs and Rates and it will take you to that page.  You will need to complete the form, provide a copy of proof of your receipt of a pension check from the PBGC along with your first months payment to Benistar at the address on the enrollment form on page 2.  You can find a copy of all the plan designs being offered and the complete coverage details on the website.  
If you elect to enroll in our plan, please remember that until mid- 2016, it will be necessary to pay 100% of the cost of the healthcare you select until the monthly program begins.  The plans we are offering are a much better value than the plans offered to Delta Pilots as the DPMP OOA Plan they are eligible to enroll in requires up to a $3350 Out of Pocket cost  plus a 20% copay for other than preventative care for most  services, such as doctors visits and emergency room, unlike the plan we offer that provides office visits for $10 and $50 for emergency room along with a 10/20/40 Drug program.  Check out the plans we are offering and the pricing on our website, www.coneretireebenefits.com       
We are also pleased to announce that the Benistar Retiree Service Center will be the Call Center for the Pre65 and Medicare Plans for 2016.  There Phone Number is 1-800-236-4782. We are in the process of scheduling the Conference Call/Webinars for the Pre-65 Insurance Programs and hope to announce the beginning of these Webinar/Conference Calls early next week.  Please watch the website and your email for more information .  If you have not already done so, please sign up on our website to provide us with your latest contact information.  
Thanks for your Support!
Cathy Cone
Broker for The Trusts 
(c) 832-541-8842

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