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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mark's Remarks - HL 186 (4)

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Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),

 Oct 27, 1969 my 1st solo flight in a club Cessna.

The back of the old picture.

Now the “Rest” of the Story: 

Yes, this was indeed my 1st solo flight and the only picture memory that I have of that day, this fuzzy snapshot taken, un-be-known to me, by my Pastor.  That Pastor wrote Psalm 19:1 on the back of that picture and to this day still remains one of my favorite verses.  The rest of the story is that Pastor Jim Sweet passed on this Oct 18th at 3:30 AM.  He is now home with the Lord that he faithfully served.  What a good, descent and principled man of faith.  He was a great example to us all and many of my strongest values that I now hold I owe to his teaching, sharing and sealing them in my heart.  Pastor you will be dearly missed but rest easy as one day the re-union will be great! 



 Carol on vacation.  Have a little patience with me covering for her, because……well, you know. 


From: carol

Date: 10/14/2013 3:50:49 PM

Subject: heading out of town Oct. 15-Nov. 2 ... Flitting about the country again


Have Broom Will Travel

I’m heading up to the Dakotas tomorrow nite...

anticipated date of return is Oct 15 - November 2nd.

I’ll catch you on my return!



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Young Aviators – New periodic Section (with your help)

I thought this might be fun.  From time to time I get some images of you guys when you were young and virile.  Let’s share them and let others see the way things used to be, when you had hair, were skinnier and strapping.  Come on send ‘em in and I will post in this new section, pictures of you, you offspring or g-kids. 

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