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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Good Read - HL 183 (1)

From: Gene Hall
Date: 9/26/2013 9:36:26 PM
Subject: New Rant

September 26, 2013
In my last vent, I referred to the fact that our leadership didn’t seem to understand the nature of militant Islam. I remember GWB standing before the nation after 9/11 and saying something to the effect that Islam was a peaceful religion that had been hijacked by extremists.  It was apparent that he had very little understanding of Islam, or of the conflict that had started fourteen centuries ago.

It’s been twelve years since 9/11, and there is no indication that leaders of the West have learned very much about Islam since then.  Matthew 15:14 ….”If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

Senator John McCain showed his ignorance about Islam theology, and the Syrian civil war a couple of weeks ago when he took exception to Bryan Klimeade of Fox and Friends stating the Syrian rebels were shouting the jihadist battle cry “Allahu akbar” as they were fighting.  McCain was incensed, and told Kilmeade that was the same as a Christian shouting “thank God”.  WRONG, Allahu Akbar means Allah is greatest, greater than all the Gods of the infidels, particularly the triune God of Christians.  It has always been their battle cry as they killed the infidels, and is used to strike terror in the hearts of their enemies.

McCain is also naïve about secular rebels being in position to replace Assad.  It has been widely reported that a large majority – as much as 95% - of the rebels are foreign Sunnis.  That would mean Al Qaeda.

The Prime Minister of Great Britain showed his ignorance of Islam – or fear of – after the Westgate Mall massacre last weekend when he said:

 “These appalling terrorist attacks that take place where the perpetrators claim they do it in the name of a religion – they don’t. They do it in the name of terror, violence and extremism and their warped view of the world. They don’t represent Islam or Muslims in Britain or anywhere else in the world.”
With all due respect to the Prime Minister, he sounded as dumb as the US President.  Since 2001, the Muslim population of Britain has almost doubled.  More Brits attend mosques every week than churches, and there are neighborhoods that are off limits to police, where sharia law is being practiced. 
The US President is so politically correct that he has refused to call our Fort Hood massacre a terrorist attack.  It’s ironic that he calls it “work place violence”, but Major Hasan, the traitor/shooter called it exactly what it was, a terrorist attack.
The website – http://thereligionofpeace.com/ lists 21,647 attacks of Islam terror since 9/11. The website also has lots of Muslim history that westerners need to understand if we are to survive.  During the last week the attack on the church in Pakistan has claimed more lives than Westgate, but it has had very little attention in US media.
Our Middle East foreign relations during the last half century seemed to have done more damage than good.  How has precipitating the removal of the Sha of Iran worked out for us?  A secular government that was no threat to the US was replaced by the Ayatollah. 
A little history; The Sunnis and Shiites are the two main branches of Islam.  Their split came after Mohammed’s death, and was about who his successor should be. They don’t like each other, but their hatred of the infidels will unite them.  Shia’s only comprise about 10% of Islam, and only Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain are majority Shia.

Sadam Hussein was Sunni, but was secular, and was running a secular government in a majority Shia nation.  They are now under the influence of Iran.  Iran and Iraq had fought to a standoff before we in effect handed Iraq to Iran by first removing Sadam and then removing our troops.  Bashar Assad is Alawite.  They are a small Shia sect, and he has been governing a majority Sunni state.  A Shiite crescent is developing across the Middle East.
As an uninformed westerner, I was convinced that the Shiites were much more dangerous than the Sunnis after Iran took our hostages and started developing nuclear weapons.  In reality, it’s like comparing a rattle snake with a cobra.  To use a phrase coined by that great American politician/diplomat/statesperson Hillary Clinton; “What difference does it make?”  They will both kill.
A secular Egypt is absolutely necessary for long term Middle East stability.  The wisest thing the Egyptian military has done since retaking control is outlawing the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Egyptian military is important enough to Saudi and the Gulf States to be receiving ten times as much in aid from Saudi as the US is giving.
Saudi is the home of the Wahhabi sect.  They are as fundamental as the Brotherhood, but even though they are both Sunni, they hate each other.  The royal family was put in power by FDR for oil.  Saudi Arabia has financed Wahhabism, and is financing fundamental Mosques and madrassas.  Most of the financing for major terrorism is coming from “our friends” the Saudis.
That is a subject for another my rants.

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