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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Petition - HL 169 (2)

Activity since the Petition -  This has been a busy week.  I know that the petition happened a while ago and was packaged and delivered to the principles and since all has been quiet.   But I would say that this has been one of my busiest weeks,  with my involvement, since.  There has a lot that has been happening and of course most behind the scenes.  I am hoping to report a little encouraging news soon, but in the mean time “the effort” goes on.  You may have been thinking that “good intentions” but it’s a “no go.”  That is not the case and the effort in all cases will carry on until such time that our group gets recognized and positive action is done to right the wrong.   Some people just can’t stand for an ongoing injustice, I guess those that lead this effort are guilty of being in that category. 

As a refresher, the PCN and the pilot’s directing “the effort” fully support all that the DP3 is doing.  And as you know the main focus of our DP3’s appeal, and any subsequent action, is centered on the “qualified” defined benefit portion of our pension package.  Because the government (ERISA) has rules on the caps for defined benefit programs, and because pilots were high wage earners, our union negotiated a work around and supplemented the defined benefit program with other “non-qualified” benefits.  The same day the court allowed the termination of the defined benefit pension (with its subsequent turn-over to the PBGC) the non-qualified plan was also terminated.  That action has proven very hurtful to many who had acquired a high Final Average Earnings.   The reductions were hurtful to most Delta retired pilots, but those with a high FAE lost a greater per centage of benefit.  The effort being led by Rob Moser, and assisted by others, is centering in on this non-qualified portion of our benefits. 


Pre-2000 retirees -  NOT ONLY THE 3500! 
When we refer to the 3500 we are using the number that the DP3 indicated of an approximation of how many pilot families got unfairly hurt during the termination and re-organization.  These are primarily those who have retired since the year 2000.  However, we have learned that MANY who have retired earlier than 2000 have also incurred large losses. 

Volunteers – “The Effort” is still receiving signups to volunteer and for all of you who have entered your name a big thank-you!  There are quite a few of you who have volunteered and should the time become necessary for a large scale Phase II or III then your help would be invaluable.   Currently, Rob has a “circle” (which includes me) of about 12 well qualified and informed retired pilots to advise and help him with this effort.  I can assure you that this circle is dedicated and capable and for that we are grateful.  Large numbers of volunteers may at some point become necessary and if or when that happens then you can count on us getting in touch.  So thank you for your signup to help out.

Phase I - Complete:

I cannot thank you all enough for your wise and valuable help. I'm not just blowing smoke, here. This just wouldn't have been nearly as refined without your help, so please take some pride in that and in how compelling our effort has become. One day maybe we can all raise a glass together.    Thanks again,  Mark

The Petition has been compiled and delivered to our targets but it will remain open for anyone to read, see and sign.  Feel free to point or visit the site:

Three quick comments:
1. There WAS an unfair injustice! Some have asked for some proof of
the harm that DAL Retired Pilots incurred so click here to see it
first hand:

2. Will this work? Capt Moser is using the petition as the first step
in a multi faceted strategy to gain a meeting to discuss these
issues. Admittedly it is a long shot. Since the cause is just and
doing right is always good, why not give him our support?

3. Is my info safe? Absolutely!

Note: Use different computers for other family members.

RE: Petition supporting Delta Retired Pilots and a remedy for lost


ALL Petition ISSUES or QUESTIONS Click here:


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