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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 364 published Oct 21, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Misc - HL 154 (8)

From: Joseph Gray <ohnlywaytofly@comcast.net>
Date: January 6, 2013, 5:37:54 PM AST
Subject: Art Gardner

We have been seeking info on the whereabouts of Art for some years now to no avail. You helped also. How did this info get out so quickly if he passed today?

Joe Gray

Editor: The info was sent in and Carol published it very timely.  http://pcnflightwest.blogspot.com/2013/01/wa-capt-arthur-f-gardner.html



Craig, could you share what you did and I will publish for other safari operators. mark

Date: 1/2/2013 6:33:09 PM

Subject: PCN toolbar

I am an apple user and am interested in removing the PCN toolbar from my Macbook. I get a continuing message that the new Safari operating system that I recently installed does not support the "community toolbar". I have found the install app, but see nothing about removing it. Can you help ? Thanks Craig Stienecker

Date: 01/03/13 17:44:49

Subject: Re: Your Message has been Received – OK

HOW TO REMOVE:  I found the pcn toolbar uninstall program on my hard drive in a separate location from the install program and simply uninstalled the toolbar which got rid of the continuing message that the new Snow Leopard OSX 10.6.3 operating system (that I installed on my MACBook) did not support the "community toolbar" - I did not resolve the compatibility issue, and while I read and greatly enjoy your "high life" posts, I seldom used the toolbar and so am happy with my outcome. Thanks for all you do. Craig

On Jan 3, 2013, at 2:54 AM, misc@pilotcommunication.net wrote:

Editor: As a side note, that PCN Toolbar was created for those that like some “quick links” at the top of their browser to familiar sites.  For any that wish to disable or delete it please do what Craig suggests or click on Tools>Addons>Disable



Media Campaign proposed:


Date: 12/31/2012 4:08:30 PM

Subject: Newpaper Ads

Good Morning Mark: One thing Delta cannot stand is adverse publicity. May I suggest full page ads in prominent newspapers ie Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, Atlanta Journal - perhaps international version of the WSJ. I guarantee that Delta's senior management will respond to this in the event no progress is made through the letter appeal. Of course Delta is lawsuit happy so care must be taken as to format and content of ads. I will contribute a substantial amount if this comes to fruitation. Regards Doug Riffey.


Date: 12/31/2012 2:42:51 PM

Subject: Petition



Thanks for the good job you do on the " High Life".

My wife and I have signed the petition and it is certainly a well written letter that expresses all our frustrations. May I suggest you inform the AJC, USA Today, Wall Street Journal or your favorite media publication that there is a real human interest story behind the petition and the injustice that was visited only upon the Delta Pilot group. Perhaps, there might be some future Pulitzer Prize winner that brings worldwide attention to our plight and the absurdity of the real Delta pilots losing their pensions.

Happy New Year!

Bruce Borland

Retired 6/1/2004



From: Jmorgan667@aol.com
To: mark@pilotcommunication.net
Sent: 12/31/2012 1:42:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Petition

Mark, just a few thoughts on the Delta Pilot Retirement Petition.

I respectfully suggest that when the petition is presented to Delta management that a full blown media campaign be initiated at the same time. We should expect the Atlanta Constitution and local media to be biased against the pilots.

Secondly, the presenter/spokesman must be articulate and extremely well versed in the settlement paid to the retired pilots by Delta. No unsophisticated, emotional rhetoric but a lawyerly, factual and sophisticated presentation. While the Delta pilots view this issue with emotion Delta management views this without emotion and as an accounting/bankruptcy issue that has already been settled.

You can bet that Delta management is already aware of the petition and has a factual response in place based on metrics with a full blown media campaign ready.They are ready to counter the petition with charm grace and numbers. For the pilots not to be equally prepared is ill advised. Hopefully no one believes that the pilots will present the petition and that the company will simply roll over.

Please thank the people responsible for this action and a special thanks to you for your dedicated service to the retired Delta pilots.

Warmest regards,

John Morgan, Coral Gables, Florida


Editor:  Thanks Doug, Bruce & Wayne.  I included your emails because they were short your suggestions have been repeated by a number of others.  The “pressure” type advertising I can tell you at least two things about.  One, it is expensive and two it is being considered.   As far as I know Rob will attempt to get a meeting before any money is collected or spent.  But I do wish to thank many of you for forwarding suggestions.  Please see the request I have in my remarks above to help formulate the best argument and case to take in when Rob is invited.  And I do believe he will get on the schedule.



Date: 1/1/2013 5:38:07 PM

Subject: More on the Petition

Mark, Some last thoughts. Be prepared for ALPA to file an objection to any potential give back by Delta management The retired Delta Pilots do not have any friends in this endeavor. Maybe the DP 3 attorneys could be asked to present the petition. I doubt they would agree and do not even know if this is a good idea.

Lastly I do not believe that Delta management will have an epiphany and do anything for the retirees. Not only do they not care but in their hearts and minds they are comfortable that they paid us a settlement.

But it's worth a try.

My best to you.


John Morgan, Coral Gables, Fla.


Editor: I separated John’s reply from his earlier email because he is making a different point of which I agree.  There are few friends of our group and that is somewhat what the petition is trying to change.  More attention may turn some folks with a more supportive attitude towards us.  But the real thing that John said about management being quite happy with their settlements paid, I also agree.  However, I do not believe that many know how miniscule those settlements became as they were eventually distributed.  In other words, I do not believe that many view our group as receiving the harm that it has.  It is worthy and noble to bring that to the fore and present it clear and unequivocal to current management.



Just found time to read your newsletter. Want to comment on your concern on the numbers of signatures on the petition. I did sign the petition, but had some questions about how it might affect my returns, since I was already 65 at bankruptcy and was not hurt as badly as some of the younger folks. I don't know how changes that Delta may make would affect my current PBGC payments. If Delta were to start paying us again, and later file bankruptcy again, PBGC may start completely over in their calculations and might not agree to the payments they did the first time since they are now further in debt than they were earlier, and might even not agree to accept the debt burden from Delta. I decided to sign it anyway since if it helps a number of other folks who were hurt badly, I would be willing to see my payments reduced as I have been very lucky in life, having only been married once and now for 46 years, and our kids are making their own payments, so we have saved enough money, and our investments have provided for us the ability to take care of our needs probably for as long as we need. Of course with the economic condition of our country, that is hard to calculate.

Everywhere one looks, there is uncertainty, and some may just decide they have learned to deal with what they have, and not trust government to make a change that could conceivably be worse than what they have now. I too doubt if we will get more, but feel it is worth the try as many are having very difficult times. Unfortunately, I flew with many of the guys who tried to live the "pilot dream" with big houses, expensive cars and fooling around, and now are paying for the lack of planning. I spoke with a good many of my co-pilots and engineers, about preparing for lean times, and the general comment was "I want to enjoy it before we lose it" which made no sense to me. We have been in our house for 40 years and our newest car is a 2002 Chrysler Town and Country Limited, which is in great shape, and just took us on a 3500 mile driving vacation, and I love it.

Don't publish this, as the folks who are hurting do not want to hear preaching. I still hurt for them, as their families are suffering too. With Gerry’s permission to publish this and his follow up below.

Thanks for all the work you do on the newsletter for us. May 2013 be good to you and your family.

Gerry Grieser



Date: 1/4/2013 10:29:44 AM

Subject: Re: THANKS


Thanks for your very thoughtful email. If you really feel that anything I said in my email to you will benefit the others, you can publish it, since I do hope that others can recover at least some of what was stolen from them. I have always considered myself lucky, as I retired early at age 55 1/2 in Nov. 1996, just before the new contract took effect, which was good for me until they filed for bankruptcy. No, I did not get the special deal for early retirement, as that seemed to go the the senior guys who were ready for retirement anyway, but I just retired with my normal calculated retirement at my age then. I have always felt it makes no sense to look behind to grieve what could have been, but instead to look forward to what we have left in life, and make the best of it. There are so many in this world that have less than even the hardest hit in this bankruptcy fiasco, so we need to be grateful for what we have. Never the less, the guys do deserve what they were promised, and so you have my permission to publish my email to you, and also this one if desired, along with any comments you may want to make. I just get tired of reading some of the other emails that ramble on about such mundane topics that make no sense, and didn't want to join the crowd.

We all appreciate all you do for us, in keeping us up to date on happenings, plus encouraging us to support worthwhile projects that can benefit mankind. I have to admit that I don't do a lot of that on my own without your encouragement, since I am busier than I ever was when I was flying. We keep busy volunteering at our church, plus now we volunteer with our local police department driving the Citizen's on Patrol car, manning the Skytower at the mall, and other things to help our city, which has filled up our extra time. We even enjoy driving the police cars to get car washes, oil changes etc, imaging that we are someone important. My 103 year old aunt used to say "I would rather wear out that rust out", and I am trying to follow her advice, and am loving it. I still have a lot to do before my COD. (my crap out date)

Have a great 2013 and thanks again,


Editor: With Gerry’s permission I wanted to publish his emails because he brought up a few good questions.   There are a lot of PCN subscribers that are of similar age and in a similar situation as Gerry.  I can safely speak for those of us who are more recent as retirees that we are glad that many of our pilot retirees didn’t get hurt too bad.  And none of us would like to see anyone lose any benefits.  We also appreciate older pilot retirees support and understanding.  I know it may be hard to imagine but if one’s monthly annuity were to be cut by 80% or so that would have a significant impact on how one enjoys retirement.  Well, that exact thing HAS happened to many and we certainly want people to know about it and the company to actually address the disproportionate burden.  As to the PBGC changing payouts for older retirees, the petition and any follow up hearing with an appeal will likely not even address the lost defined benefit pension.  Delta going bankrupt again is not on anyone’s current horizon.  Some people live with anxiety while others are living with reality. 

I would ask all to be compassionate and supportive to those who took a serious disproportionate level of the re-organization pain.  

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