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Airlines news

Monday, December 3, 2012

Travel / Non Revving - HL 149 (3)

From: Steve Lutz

Date: 12/1/2012 3:16:33 PM

Subject: Fw: New Delta Pass Policy 2012 Revised.

Hi Mark.

For your information I sent this to the below e-mails, and everyone else I could think of to get some information out.

Your doing a great job. We are all lucky to have you on board.

Ret. Capt. WAL/DAL

Stephen Lutz

From: Steve Lutz

Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 5:20 PM

Subject: New Delta Pass Policy 2012 Revised.

Please forward to those concerned

Revised Comments. Please take the time to read even though it may be coming in late.

Retiree’s not informed enough of this new proposed pass policy.

New proposed Delta pass policy.

Its hard to believe that now as a retire we will have to compete with all the other retiree's below us in seniority for a seat based on a new pass policy of S 3 retire departure day pass that may go into effect. It is becoming that Seniority means nothing anymore. The 1 day employee gets the seat before 30-40 or 50 year retired employee as it is. Now a individual that has been retired for 1 day can bump a 80 year old retire because he does not have a computer or does not understand this new system that may go into effect.

As you can tell, by the number of people that have voted on this new proposal and that have written in, very few retires are aware of these possible changes. A very small number of votes will be representing a tremendous amount of retires. Most employees have no idea how many Thousands of retires are out there. This information has been sent out by mouth or computer access only. SO MANY of our RETIRES have very LITTLE contact with Delta anymore and have limited knowledge of how to communicate with Delta on a computer. For retires to have a fair choice on voting on this, you should have mailed this information

with the proposed changes to each employee in

plenty of time so that they could have discussed it with other employees. (This has a huge effect on the retired employee traveling on a Delta Pass.)

When the airplanes are full we will all have to use this special S-3 retire pass to help us get on the flight regardless of our seniority, It will be a guess who is using their pass and who is not. There will be no more help from fellow employees that are traveling on Delta passes as to alternatives on how you might be able to get to your destination as they may have to do the same thing. After we use all our passes we will now be placed on the bottom of the list below all the S-3 retires pass holders that have not used their passes for the rest of the year. (Thousands of them.} Whether you’re a 10-20-30-40 year employee or beyond you will always be threatened by those below you in Seniority. For those that travel a lot are will aware of this.

We don’t know how these passes will work. Is this pass good to your destination and back regardless of the route required to get there? If we are bumped in route are we required to use an additional S-3 retiree pass to get to our destination? If we are stuck someplace for several days, Hawaii or Narita for example, is the original S-3 retiree pass still good? Do our Wife's get the same pass? If both the S-3 retiree pass holder and the S-3B pass holder get on the airplane and there are plenty of coach seats but only 2 business seats, which 2 get the business seats? If the answer is the S-3 retiree pass holder, again you will have to use a S-3B retiree pass, that is if you have any left, to ride in business. Is this fair to any senior employee, regardless of where he is on the seniority list?

Through our entire Air line Career, Seniority was what established our vacations, our days off, our positions in many departments of Delta, Pilots, Flight Attendants, Dispatchers etc.

Your now asking to take away our Seniority in our retirement years after all the many years we have served Delta. ( In my opinion this is certainly not going to make Delta a better Air-Line to work for.)

The older we get the harder it is physically to travel. Every employee works hard knowing that when they retire they (may) be able to enjoy a nice retirement, and the pass privileges that Delta so gratefully give us.

Many employees have been junior in seniority their entire career’s and now you asking them to give up their seniority rights when they retire. We have all been through the pay cuts, the bankruptcy, and the Challenges to try and make Delta the number one Air-Line. I truly think you are penalizing the employees with this new proposed pass policy for retirees.

I only had 38 years with Western/Delta Air lines but I and many others gave up many of our vacations, days off, did not ever use any of our sick leave and were called in to serve Delta in order to avoid flight cancellations, Delays, and Repositioning of Aircraft. I do agree that S-3B passes should not include Parents of active employees and non dependent children of active employees, but without a doubt the retire should be able to maintain his seniority after he retires. Your penalizing all the senior retires that so helped this company to become what it is today. We all age very quickly as you know. It will not be long before many more active employees will retire and they then will realize how much this new proposed pass policy will penalize them. I hope that you deeply consider the effect of this new possible change before you come to your decision. As I have mentioned, very few retires have even voted on this proposal, considering the number of retiree's that are out there, and they are completely confused as to effect of these changes. This is definitely not going to make Delta Air lines a greater company to work for because of this compelling new pass policy


I am a retired Captain on Delta and always felt I was working for the greatest Air Line Company in the business. I sacrificed a lot of my family life along with many others because of working on holidays and giving up weekends during my career, training new Pilots and flying trips that could not be covered. I have lost my pension and had my health benefits compromised. I now feel that you are sacrificing our seniority again with these new proposed pass policies, however, if ever given the chance again, with all the problems this company has had, I would go back to work for them in a minute. There are so many wonderful people with this company.

Thank you all again for all the serious consideration that you are putting in on these new proposed policies.

Retired Captain, Stephen Lutz.




Date: 11/29/2012 1:14:23 AM

Subject: Non Rev boarding priority

Mark: I have been following the Ignite questionnaires, but have not found anything about revising the boarding priority from seniority to check in time. Those who might like check in time as a solution probably were not around when that was in use. The switch to seniority was a big improvement. Thanks for your efforts. Bill Melvin




Roy Farrelly

Issue Area - Non Rev

Comments -  Re: IGNITE team recommendation to provide 6 priority passes for retirees to board ahead of active employee's unaccompanied parents/non-dependents who are also S3B.

Unless I'm not reading this correctly the only way this could help a retiree would be if we used this thing when an 80 year old active employee is putting their 105 year old parent unaccompanied on a flight. The other 99.99% of the time our hire dates are ahead of employees anyway. If they don't want to change anything then just say so, don't insult our intelligence.


From: Bill Cunningham <wscunningham@gmail.com>
Date: November 29, 2012, 11:50:26 AM EST
To: "
marksztanyo@gmail.com" <marksztanyo@gmail.com>
Subject: Retiree passes

It seems to me the S3 "benefit" for retirees would be good for those getting ready to retire because they could go ahead of the "old people". Less beneficial ( or not beneficial at all ) to those of us with earlier hire date. What do you think. I think it would dilute our seniority.


Editor: Well, as you can tell from the above the new proposed travel policy changes for retirees (once fully understood) are being received with much less enthusiasm.  In fact the changes are down right disappointing.  I have the feeling the question led a lot of us to vote in the affirmative when the real change wasn’t completely understood.  I went back in

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