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Airlines news

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Petition -HL 152 (3)

RE: Read the “proof”, it will open your eyes!

HALF WAY HOME to 5000 signatures in 14 days!


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have over 2600 “active” email within the PCN email list alone. I want to

encourage our subscribing pilots to take the time to support this effort and sign

the petition. Thank you, Mark

Three quick comments:
1. There WAS an unfair injustice! Some have asked for some proof of
the harm that DAL Retired Pilots incurred so click here to see it
first hand:

2. Will this work? Capt Moser is using the petition as the first step
in a multi faceted strategy to gain a meeting to discuss these
issues. Admittedly it is a long shot. Since the cause is just and
doing right is always good, why not give him our support?

3. Is my info safe? Absolutely!

Note: Use different computers for other family members.

RE: Petition supporting Delta Retired Pilots and a remedy for lost


ALL Petition ISSUES or QUESTIONS Click here:

These are just for you!  Random selected comments from our pilot signees that I thought you would appreciate. Very interesting to see what your comrades have experienced and are saying:

# 2,488

12:45, Dec 22, Mr. Joseph Develis, FL
I retired in 1998 after 40 plus years as a loyal Delta Airlines pilot. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be treated like a worn-out pair of shoes that had no further value to the company. You can not imagine the level of HURT your actions have placed on these now retired faithfull members of the Delta family. I wish only the best for my airline and it's employees. I hold no malice in my heart because I still believe Delta will do the right thing. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of my Delta family and GOD BLESS AMERICA.

# 2,484

11:55, Dec 22, Mr. Thomas Parkinson, OH
I had to leave the perfect career early, the career I dreamed of and worked very hard to achieve, because I knew that under our present bankruptcy laws I would lose almost everything if I had remained with the company. As we all found out, even after bankruptcy the company reduced our monthly payments, followed by the PBGC getting away with more theft of what was promised and owed. My retired life is certainly not what I had expected, and I will probably have to work for many years to make ends meet.

# 2,436

15:03, Dec 21, Mr. Rudiger Lind, GA
Any company that climbs out of trouble on the backs of their employees and former employees either does not diserve to be in business at all, or has the obligation to make whole those who sacrificed as soon as it is in the position to do so.

# 2,412

14:18, Dec 20, Mr. jack shirkey, GA
Just read in the latest addition of delta's sky magazine how much the management of delta appreciates all employees,since they are the "backbone" of this company. But actions speak louder than words. It was shameful that delta absolutely stole the retirement from many of us who had given over 25 years of service. Useing the bankruptcy court to abrogate a long standing contract. I know many will say,"you are pilots and were paid quite well. Just remember that a company that takes money from any employee group will not hesitate to do the same to another group. We are only asking for a fair deal on promised retirement compensation.

# 2,370

12:23, Dec 19, Mrs. Delane Lewis, GA
My husband and I are both Delta retirees. I only lost my promised medical benefits, but he has lost almost all of his 31+ year earned benefits. We are both still working at other jobs now-- I at 65, he at 73-- just to meet the financial obligations we made based on our promised benefits. The real kicker is that NW pilots are receiving 100% of their benefits. How can this possibly be?

# 2,347

06:48, Dec 19, TOM FIFE, NC

# 2,338

04:59, Dec 19, Mr. Rick Garcia, FL
Mr. Richard Anderson, After 28 years of giving my best to Delta I was forced to leave my family in 2006 and go to singapore airlines to continue to work. now at 60 I can no longer work and yes I am getting the $900 a month of the $5000 I had worked for at Delta. I do not think that anyone would think that this is a right think to do at Delta. And yes my son who I had taught to fly, left his job as a Captain to go to work for IBM. you are losing really good young pilots because of actions like this.Please do the right thing and restore the money that we had earned. Rick Garcia

# 2,315

19:37, Dec 18, Mr. Nathan Mason, GA
When I was hired in 1977 every pilot I knew who was flying for any other airline said that I was going to work for "the best airline in the industry." After 26 years of dedication I was one of the 3500 retired pilots kicked to the curb with pennies on the dollar of the retirement for which I had worked so hard. Mr. Woolman must be spinning in his grave. It's not too late to make things right.

# 2,300

16:51, Dec 18, Mr. Robert Berger, NH
Dear Mr. Anderson I'm Bob Berger NH My family gave 32.5 years to the success of Delta, I retired at 60 on the 777. During those years I couldn't stop raving about the "family and how blessed we were being part of Delta". Great leaders - CE Woolman, Dave Garrett, Pre Ball and many others kept their word and held the trust of the Delta pilots. We would do anything for the company, and did. Going above and beyond, never scratching an airplane or having a violation, never hurting a passenger; was just what we did. We made conservative plans for retirement realizing that we had three children that wanted to attend college. When the family we loved broke our trust I took a flying job but stage four Cancer ended that after 7 months. Not being hire-able and with my wife's illness; and trying to pay the bills with Social Security and 1077 per month from PBGC forced us out of our home and into very heavy debt, which I have no way to repay. Please restore the trust that we had for so many years. Please consider if you gave so much and for your last years had so little to live on. Please restore part of what was promised.

# 2,229

16:55, Dec 17, Lou Pierce, GA
33 Years as a pilot. Retired at the then mandatory age of 60. After 6 months of recieving full pension, my pension was cut by 93%. I heard that there is no reason to do anything at all for us since we can no longer do anything for you. Guess that kinda says it all.

# 2,207

13:12, Dec 17, Mr. Anthony Milanese, NC
Dec. 17, 2012, Anthony B. Milanese, Last week American Airlines settled with their pilots for a pay increase and pension contribution into their 401K of 14% of pay. Today's Wall Street Journal reported a pension settlement with its merged United and Continental pilots. The Delta and Northwest Airline merger pilots are flying together with the Northwest pilots having a company pension and the Delta pilots pension voided and their pension burden placed on the PBGC. Why should the general public taxpayer have to guarantee their pension when Delta Airlines can afford to buy an oil refinery and a large share of Virgin Atlantic Airlines. Why was the Delta pilot pension singled out as the only large US airline without a pilot pension? This wrong needs to be corrected. .

# 2,186

11:40, Dec 17, Mr. Roger Horrell, TX
Mr Anderson, you may correctly assert you were not on the Delta property when the Delta Pilot's Pension Plan was terminated, but you WERE on the property when "poor" Delta bought a Boeing 777-300 with over $200 million in cash, but there wasn't any cash for the retired Delta pilots; you WERE on the property when "poor" Delta bought a shut down oil refinery, but again there was no money for the retired Delta pilots; also,there was enough cash to purchase a substantial portion of Virgin Airlines which is showing explicit signs of failing, but again there wasn't a penny for the retired Delta pilots. Most of those retired Delta pilots fought for this country in the Vietnam War, but "poor" Delta Air Lines has hired the actor Donald Sutherland who, in the 1960's, was still a Canadian citizen while protesting the War his country, Canada, wasn't even a participant of, but ironically his source of income was starring in war movies. The theme of the televised advertising campaign is "Up." I guess "poor" Delta just had to kick those retired Delta pilots in the groin for good measure one more time. The new ad campaign theme might more appropriately be called "Up Yours." My retirement monthly check in 2002 was $2,300. Today its $486 which probably is the monthly green fees at your country club. Retired 767 Captain DFW.

# 2,183

11:12, Dec 17, Mr. Robert Riddell, GA
Like so many others, after 31 plus years of total dedication to Delta Air Lines, Inc., I am receiving only 14% of my promised retirement annuity. I justified the action by our company in 2006 when Delta was fighting for survival and the survival of so many Delta jobs. Now Delta is doing quite well, thanks in no small part to the sacrifice of several thousand Delta pilots. Now Delta is doing quite well and it is time to repay the sacrifice made these pilots by total restoration of our retirement promised and the losses we suffered.

Doing right brings back that family feeling!

# 1,950

09:11, Dec 14, Mrs. Michelle Smith, GA
Mr. Anderson, do the right thing and restore my husband's pension. The true Delta family can exist again only if you right this wrong.

Less than 5% of the earned monthly annuity!

# 1,911

04:58, Dec 14, Mrs. Carol J Jones, GA
Our family receives less than 5% of the total annuity my husband worked for, for more than 28 years.

No single thing harder on this family!

# 1,897

21:03, Dec 13, Alice Davis, GA
The decision by Delta to terminate the pilot pensions has probably had more negative impact on our lives and our relationship than anything that has ever happened to us over a 46 year period. Certainly retirement, or lack thereof, is not what we thought it would be.

One of many that is forced to work to make ends meet!

# 1,896

20:37, Dec 13, Name not displayed, GA
With the loss of my pension I have found it necessary to live and work 13000 miles from my family for the last seven years in order to provide for them. This has been a hardship that would have been precluded with the reinstatement of my earned pension benefits.

Senior Captain receives $900 a month for his annuity!

# 1,753

01:03, Dec 13, Steve McGreevy, FL
After flying 33 yrs for Delta, retireing as an L-1011 Intl Capt. I now receive about $900.00 a month as my pension. I and my wife also lost our medical benefits. I believe it is time to right this wrong. Don't YOU???!!!!!!! Stephen McGreevy Emp# 000232XXX DOE 09/30/1963

Young future company pilots are paying attention!

# 1,550

05:21, Dec 11, Mr. Kevin Shutack, TX
Please don't forget THE most valuable asset any company has! The younger generation of pilots is watching...

Broken and devastated!

# 1,495

16:05, Dec 10, Mr. David W. Mason, TX
I agree with Mr. Moser's points entirely. We are a broken, devastated people now with no hope for our families, making personal sacrifices we never thought we would have to make.

Lost $75,000 per year for life!

# 1,442

12:10, Dec 10, Mr. james webster, FL
I flew 36 years for Delta, and lost $75,000 a year for the rest of my life after Delta filed for bankruptcy in 2006.

$0 in monthly benefits.

# 1,330

07:35, Dec 10, Mr. Donald Varvil, CO
I have not been accepted by the PBGC and do not receive a check or any benefits from the PBGC. I was a loyal and hard-working employee for Delta Air Lines. We have already lost our home. Consideration should be given to the welfare of my wife, children, and grandchildren. Morally and ethically, the Delta pilot pension should be reinstated for retirees.

Receives $840 per month of $4200 owed!

# 1,170

09:20, Dec 09, Mr. Keith Poplet, CA
I have two boys, Kyle 21 attending collage,and Dakota 10 , attending a Christian school. I was promised 4200 per month, now I am receiving 840 per month. My health insurance payments are over 700 per month. Why not do the right thing for us? Yours truly, Keith Poplet

$900 per month of $6800 owed!

# 1,108

02:55, Dec 09, Mr. RWayne Murphy, WA
My wife, Alice Blake Murphy of 43 years, died in April 2006 before the final unfair sentenace was imposed on us as a retired pilot family following my SpEarly Retirement as an ATL 767ER Capt on 01Apr1997 at age 55.7 with a faithful and very happy 30.7 yrs service. I convinced Alice not to worry that Delta would not cast us aside when they emerged from bankruptcy so she lost her battle with ovarian cancer before that Fall '06 verdict was pronounced and I dropped from $6800 to $ 900 per month from the PBGC. She loved Delta and was just as proud of it as was I until that compassionate lie I had been telling her really came true. Shame on Delta! For just as unjust as that verdict, the salt in the wound of having the little NC boy next door who wanted to be like me that joined the Navy like me then went with Northwest after retiring from the Navy receives 100% of his NW retirement paid by "my" Delta Family. Mr Anderson, I'll be okay, but many others are hurting deeply, so find a way to correct this terrible injustice if you want to leave behind your most honorable legacy at Delta Air Lines. V/R, CDR Roger Wayne Murphy, US Navy(Ret) Old Fort Vancouver, WA....the 1st Vancouver!

$900 per month!

# 1,084

20:05, Dec 08, Mr. Roger Lewis, TX
30 years, retired as a 767-400 captain and now receive about $900.00 a month while Delta pays the NW retired Pilots their Full Retirement.

$.84 …..that’s right 84 cents!!!!

# 1,060

17:44, Dec 08, Ken Musser, GA
I retired early after almost 33 loyal Delta years with 4 to go, because of a cancer I was diagnosed with that was the same kind that had killed my father after 5 years of his being diagnosed. The PBCG decided my earned pension to be zero. At age 56, I couldn’t touch my IRA’s without sever IRS penalties, so I had to find employment, as did Captain Moser to survive. I worked in South Korea for 4 1/2 years and Turkey for 1 1/2 years away from my family, friends and loved ones. I have exceeded my father’s 5 years and now considered a cancer survivor. The PBGC after four years decided they had made a mistake and now I receive $.84 a month, but only paid $10.08 in March for the previous year. This doesn't appear to be the 80-90% of my earned pension that Gerry Grinstein former CEO and the person who recruited Mr. Anderson, testified that I would be receiving.


Works full time to supplement small PBGC payment!

# 975

12:35, Dec 08, Mr. David Conrad, GA
Mr. Anderson: Robert Moser's story is very much like mine. Since retiring in 2004, I have been working full time to supplement the small payment I receive from the PBGC in order to educate my two sons and support my family. I am now 67 years old and have no hope of "retiring" in the forseeable future. All we are asking is fairness.

57% reduction!

# 910

09:39, Dec 08, Mr. Del Irving, MA
Retired May 1, 2003 with over 30 1/2 years of service. My monthly benefit is only 43% of what it was before plan termination.

$381.61 per month of $4,000.00 owed!

# 886

07:58, Dec 08, Mr. David Dressler, CA
On retiring and after receiving my 'lump sum' half of my EARNED and supposedly SAVED retirement money (i.e. Pay that was set aside for MY Retirement), I was to receive approximately $4000.00/mo in my retirement years. This happened for just two months after I retired. Then, when Delta declared bankruptcy, it stopped altogether and went to ZERO! After several appeals and PGC adjustments, I am now receiving $381.61. There is no way that this can be seen as a fair and equitable compensation for what has been taken from me! $381.61 for $4000.00? Come on....???

$0.00 per month! 

# 804

17:41, Dec 07, John Fitzpatrick, IL
Northwest pilots get 100% of their pension, yet original Delta pilots received about 50% of their pension. I am one of the retired Delta pilots who is getting zero from the PPGC. I received my lump sum and then cents on the dollar for the remaining annuity.

$20.88 per month!

# 730

13:03, Dec 07, Mr. Victor Hooper, FL
I retired early because I believed the union when I was told "there was a very good chance that if I did not retire, I would loss the pension I had worked 28 years for." I wanted to keep working but at the time had only three years to go and could not take the chance. So I retired and lost my pension anyway. The PBCG decided my earned pension to be zero. I had to find employment as did Captain Moser to survive. I worked in Korea for 5 years away from my family. The PBGC after five years decided they had made a mistake and now I receive $20.88 each month. This doesn't appear to be near to the 80-90% of my earned pension that Gerry Grinstein testified that I would receive. I may not be entitled to the entire pension, but certainly more than $20.88 a month.

$46.24 per year! Instead of the $6,200 owed.

# 714

12:28, Dec 07, Louis Belline, GA
Mr. Anderson, When I retired at age 55 as a B-767ER International Captain in 2004, it broke my heart. For me being an international Delta captain was the dream job. However, my financial responsibility to my family overrode my desire to keep flying for Delta. Instead I accepted the $6200/month pension plus my lump sum which I had earned already rather than continuing my career which I truly wanted to do. Now I get $46.24 PER YEAR from the PBGC rather than the pension that was promised to me for 25 years by Delta Airlines. I am writing this from Seoul, South Korea where I am a simulator instructor trying to replace the income lost because Delta Airlines reneged on its' promise to me. What Delta and ALPA did may have been legal but it definitely was WRONG. I have always tried to live by the creed of "Do the right thing". Mr. Anderson, "do the right thing" and restore the monthly pensions that over 3,500 pilots have lost. Captain Louis Belline

Sold the farm to get by!

# 557

08:06, Dec 07, Dr. Samuel Smith, TX
I just sold the family farm to get by.

Getting $15.02 per month from PBGC.

# 171

08:14, Dec 06, Mr. CHARLES LOWRY, GA







Getting less that 1/3rd of monthly annuity.

# 27

01:55, Dec 06, Charles Gilmore, UT

We pilots worked hard on the front lines under all kinds of adverse conditions to make Delta the best airline we could. We missed holidays and birthdays with our families, and some even lost their families

because of the nature our profession, yet after we retired Delta thanked us by taking our pensions away! What kind of family treats its members like that? After 27+ years of devoted service at Western and Delta, the PBGC gave me far less than 1/3 of what I was supposed to make when I retired, then reduced my check even further at the beginning of this year. We pilots deserve better than the low blow Delta gave us as a result of the bankruptcy. I support the letter and hope that Delta will some day treat us fairly.

Receiving 1/10th of earned monthly annuity.

# 17

23:11, Dec 05, Mr. Captain Jake Boyd, WA

Dear Mr. Anderson, I spent 31+ years giving my and my family's all to the service of Delta Air Lines with the legal agreement of an earned pension upon retirement. Now, PBGC dribbles out 1/10 of what my earned monthly pension was. I am now approaching 71 years of age and have just shut down my small internet business which was failing due to the economy and now trying to find more work to supplement my income.

Please try to imagine how your family would suffer if you were, through no fault of your own, placed in the same situation. Please Mr. Anderson, meet with us and work out a plan to right this injustice to all the wronged retired Delta Air Lines Pilots. Please show us just how honorable you can be by your actions and deeds, not just words. Remember what Mr. C. E Woolman and Mr. Dave Garrett stood for and how

they treated their employees and retirees. Those two fine gentlemen were honorable the likes of which is difficult to find in todays corporate world. Thank you for your time. I know we will chat later.

Jake Boyd Retired April 1, 1997 L1011 Captain Real Delta

Delta Pilot loses 85% of monthly annuity, and brother at NW gets full check.

# 2,415

15:48, Dec 20, Mr. KENNETH CHIRHART, IN
Ironically, my brother and three first cousins all ended their careers as Captains at NWA/DAL. They all get their retirement checks from Delta. I retired at Delta with 33 years of service and lost 85% of my monthly retirement check. How's that for luck?

It is a fact that 3500 Delta retired pilots and their families took a huge and disproportionate financial hit during and since company re-organization. 

It is high time to right this wrong!

Support this effort! The 3500 Blog

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