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Airlines news

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Misc - HL 152

From: C.G. Scott

Date: 12/17/2012 11:42:05 AM

Subject: New Welcome Aboard Video


A couple of months ago I non-reved and was watching the video where Mr. Anderson was talking about integrity etc. Some one snorted out loud when he said that and I looked. Sure enough it was a retired pilot who I know. We looked at each other and shook our heads.

I non-reved last week and saw a new video about the no smoking/fasten your seat belt stuff. (actually sort of amusing) No more Mr. Anderson talking about the old Delta values. I thought it remarkable how quickly the video changed after Capt. Moser's movement started.

Has anyone considered putting this on facebook or youtube?

Thanks for your work,



Date: 12/18/2012 8:50:31 PM

Subject: RE: PCN - Request you email your group with this

I flew on Delta today. CEO Anderson had a new intro video during pushback. He is no longer at C.E. Woolman's desk. He no longer mentions Honesty, Integrity, or Mutual Respect. Is this a coincidence or a response to the petition. Interesting. Ron

Editor: Ron and Scotty, there were others that mentioned the same.  I don’t think the petition is the causal factor though even though I would like to think so.



            La Liberte2u (lalibertewayne@gmail.com)   

Re: PCN - Half Way there! COME ON SIGN THE PETITION!!!


Mark: a couple of thoughts for my fellow Delta Family members.,Richard Anderson while CEO is still answerable to the Board of Directors.My assessment based on observing him is that he is trying to restore/recapture C.E. Woolman's spirit and sense of family.a formidable task.I hope he can do it.

Mr. Woolmans family also suffered, can you imagine what it's like to build a dream and see it destroyed by self serving people?

I worked for Woolman for three years prior to his death I think it is inappropriate to question his integrity,and efforts until we see what he does.He was not the cause of our misery instead look to R.Alan ,Mullens ,F. Rox , H.Alger and his minions,J.Gray our A.L.P.A. repesentatives and other people who threw us under the bus either through ineptness or for personal gain.

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"Perhaps if we all send him and the board of directors a Christmas card and relate some of the hardships we have endured as a result of the betrayal of trust they might come up with something to help those in need

Captain W.R. La Liberte' L-15 International retired


Editor: Wayne, your suggestion is noted but I must say that while involved in an effort I believe it best to follow through.  I personally am still backing the petition and Rob’s effort for a meeting.



Date: 12/17/2012 8:33:10 PM

Subject: Fwd: Marine Double Amputee Humiliated on Delta Flight

Hi Mark,

I received this yesterday from an Air Force Reserve friend of mine. Some of our still active colleagues got their priorities out of order that day it appears.
Colonel Roberts: Can you please contact your friends at Delta to see this never happens again? Thank you. Also pass this story to all our AF members on our Dobbins list? Maybe some of them have influence. Merry Christmas Joe



From: Jim Horan

Date: 12/20/2012 11:58:39 AM

Subject: FW: The Non-Rev Flyer

Hi Mark:

I subscribe to the attached email. John Bozinny is a retired WAL/DAL Red Coat in SEA.

Note in the third “Industry News Links” that there is reference to the email I sent you a few minutes ago. So I do not know how it is being handled at “corporate” Delta.


Jim Horan


Editor: Yes, the episode will be interesting to see how the company handles it.




AOL and APPLE issue with Petition -----PLEASE USE A DIFFERENT BROWSER! 


From: Doug Smith

Date: 12/22/2012 7:32:48 PM

Subject: From Doug Smith, retiree

Hi Mark:

I really appreciate what is going on with the petition. However, it does not work with Macintosh computers and that is sad (and goofy).

I wrote up a response, but it lost that and would not even sign it for me, so I'm writing you instead. I did the analysis and indeed it asked about the Mac and also about the post code, so you apparently already know the glitches.

Whatever is going on, it's so sad in the year 2012 when Macintosh computers have a huge market share, and still some of these outfits don't get it.

I'll do whatever you want me to do, but I don't have time to arm-wrestle with "CARE2" any more.

You can sign me up, use my name, check the boxes to include Facebook, whatever, and use all the stuff below. I don't know how to resurrect my write-up of support, but maybe you do.

THanks, Mark and great work on getting this going. I was hired in 1977 by Delta, and "escaped" in August 2005, at age 56. Please send this to Bob Moser, too, who flew with me in India, and was in the same class grouping as new hires with Delta.

Douglas W. Smith, President

Assistant Chief Flight Instructor

FAA Designated Pilot Examiner

Vermont Flight Academy

(802) 863-5988 (Flight School)

Editor:  Those that change browsers usually get by ok.  Sorry about the issue. Any other problems please check our our FAQs at http://pcn.homestead.com/petitionFAQs.html



Date: 12/17/2012 4:37:03 PM

Subject: Recouping lost Delta pilot benefits

I wish I could be more optimistic about your success. To paraphrase, frankly, my dear, Delta doesn't give a fxxk about us! I am a Delta widow. Oh, I still get my pension and all that, but all of us, including my late husband and his friends, have been treated like dirt by the management of the company they dedicated their working lives to.

And somehow Delta, with its cadre of corporate lawyers and lobbyists, got away with depriving all these hardworking and dedicated guys of what was rightfully theirs. To throw these guys into hardship in their retirement years is beyond egregious.

Still and all, a petition? What do you think you are going to accomplish that the courts couldn't? I wish you luck and I wish you well, but I have lived for 66 years and know that in these times, the bxstards win, not the good guys.

BTW, I had to really fight Delta in order to collect my own Social Security as well as the pension. At first they told me they would withhold the amount of the SS check from my pension payment. When I threatened a class action lawsuit, they backed down, told me I had misunderstood (ha!), etc. I worked all my life for my pitiful SS check and I deserve it, irrespective of what I get because my late husband flew for Delta. And the lawyers I contacted because of this, who were ready to represent me and whoever else Delta was about to fxxk over, were licking their chops. That's when Delta thought about it briefly and backed down. And that's when I discovered that there was NOTHING in the employment or retirement contracts that would have enabled them to take any deductions from my pension checks for my SS payments. Nothing. They were just bluffing, trying to yank me around. God knows who else they pulled that on!

This is no longer the airline that my late husband served proudly. It would kill him to see what it has become today.

Good luck with your effort. I will help you in any way I can. I sure would like to see retirees honored with better treatment when they want to use their passes, etc. the way NorthWest did. But that is probably a pipe dream too.

Sue Sweeney

Editor: Thanks for you candor.  It is refreshing. All I can say Sue is that in order for the effort to have an impact it will have to be a lot more than just a petition.  That is a first step.  A good one but a first step none-the-less.

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