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Back in the High Life Again -Theme Song:
Back in the High Life Again
It used to seem to me that my life ran
off too fast
And I had to take it slowly
Just to make the good parts last
But when you're born to run, it's so hard to just slow down
So don't be surprised to see me
Back in the bright part of town
I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time
Will open up again
I'll be back in the high life again
All thee eyes that watched me once
Will smile and take me in
And I'll drink and dance with one hand
Let the world back into me
I know I'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again
Girl, you used to be the best
To make life be life to me
And I hope that you're still out there
And you're like you used to be
We'll have ourselves a time
And we'll dance the mornin' sun
And we'll let the good times come in
And we won't stop 'til we're done
We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time
Will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again
All thee eyes that watched us once
Will smile and take us in
And we'll drink and dance with one hand
And have the world so easily
Though we'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again
High life
High life
In the high life again
We'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time
Will open up again
We'll be back in the high life again
All thee eyes that watched us once
Will smile and take us in
And we'll drink and dance with one hand
And have the world so easily
Though we'll be a sight to see
Back in the high life again
High life
(Back in the high life)
Oh, we'll be back...
Important: If viewing in Google Drive, PDF
hyperlinks are hot after you highlight them. If you have trouble navigating to
a hyperlink then visit the blog where all links are hot - http://pcnhighlife.blogspot.com/
Dear PCN (of over 2600 subscribers),
Seeking the NEXT generation of PCN Dir:
Dear PCN, I have been
running a web community with a website or blog and newsletter since the
90’s. On August 3, 2009 I merged my
community with the one founded by David Roberts and formed the PCN for our
retired pilot community. Here it is
2025 and we’re still together and I am still doing this. I would like to hand off the Newsletter and
management of the PCN so someone who feels that the torch is worth
carrying. For any member interested or
wants to learn what’s involved I would enjoy that call and chat. My efforts
will continue, giving it the ole college try at finding a successor. At some point, if that replacement
Director/Editor is not found I will have to bow out. So if you may be so inclined please consider
this opportunity. It has always been a
pleasure and a honor to serve this exceptional group of aviators.
Joining or changing an email with our Google Group:
Google Group allows us to email our notices to our entire nearly 3000
member group at one single time free of charge. That is a pretty neat benefit for our group
operating with volunteers and zero budget. But GOOGLE has a few restrictions
that make it sometimes more challenging to ADD an email of someone who changes
there email or has one that is not gmail. Please be aware of the couple of
notes below:
If you have changed your email GOOGLE will not let you
join if there is an email still associated with you in the group. Please always give the ole email to us so we
can DELETE it.
If you are joining with and email that GOOGLE doesn’t ‘like’
then the group will not let me DIRECTLY ADD you and have to INVITE you
instead. I don’t like this restriction
but it is the price of using Google Groups.
If anyone out there is still having troubles receiving or joining the
PCN please contact me and will work to make it right. Mark.pcndir@gmail.com
The Recurring Frustrating Nightmare:
I rarely dream. When I sleep, it
is usually sleep and the brain is at rest.
But when I do dream it is usually a recurring nightmare, but not a scary
one. It is a dream of frustration. If you’re a Daniel, as in the Bible, and care
read the dreams like he could, maybe you’ll be able to tell me what my dream
The dream always has a flight that is coming up or I just got assigned
but I cannot make the show. In this
dream I had just passed a check ride and Delta asked if I could take a trip
later that day. Of course I said
sure. So at home I was scrounging for
uniform items and (ones that fit) then I
recruited my current Delta Capt son to
crew as my FO. No matter what we tried,
no matter what we did, we can never get to the cockpit. At every turn there would be a hurdle or a
blocked path and the frustration built. Later
in the dream as I tossed and turned going to be a late show for sure, I suddenly
had an epiphany, I’m 72. I can’t pilot
an airliner at this age, so all this hand wringing, high blood pressure and
sweaty brow was all for naught. Call the
scheduler and tell them they asked the wrong Dude and now wake up and realize
that I am completely off the hook. Dream
I sorry but this is a silly thing and probably will be plaguing me until
I’m eating gruel and can’t remember my name.
It could be worse so I guess I’ll live with it.
Another way to
Contact Delta HR – Please copy the included email for future use.
• New Email Contact for Delta’s
Retirees - Delta’s Human Resources Department has established a new
email address for retirees needing to contact Delta Air Lines with various
questions or comments. The
email address is alumniservices@delta.com. This is an alternative way to get your question directly
the HR department if you have been unable to resolve your issue through the
“Ask HR” feature on the Del-
ta Net for Alumni website or the 1-800-MYDELTA help line.
IMPORTANT SURVIVOR section repeated in INSURANCE section
of High Life 340 and FINANCE section of 336. NEW handy 2 page LINK LIST of important documents for the Survivor.
New PCN subscriber Sign Up:
As you most of you know our PCN is a private subscribed to
online community. We maintain a list of
that virtually eliminates spammers or other online undesirables from joining
with a simple sign up procedure, so the applicant can be screened. I am very happy with how this has worked as
we can be assured that everyone on the 2670 member list is legit.
If you know of a pilot who wishes to join our community and
receive our notices they can easily and
painlessly become a subscriber for FREE by simply filling out the SIGN UP form. If a current member vouches for a friend and simply sends in their former Delta
position and email, I have always considered this an appropriate vetting and
added them directly to the list.
Thanks for helping the PCN remain the largest retired Delta
pilot online community and for helping keep our mailing list made up of all
legit subscribers.
PCN sends out the High Life in 2 ways
via a Blog page and a PDF file. But the PCN also
has a website with helpful information archived. Check out some of the elements of the PCN
Website like:
Home page: http://pcn.homestead.com/home01.html
About us: http://pcn.homestead.com/About.html
Retiree benefit page: http://pcn.homestead.com/RetPilot.html
Survivor Info page: http://pcn.homestead.com/DLSurv.html
Links page: http://pcn.homestead.com/Links.html
Pilot Authors: http://pcn.homestead.com/Authors.html
Sign Up Form: http://pcn.homestead.com/SignUP.html
Report a Death Form: http://pcn.homestead.com/Death_Form.html
Archived docs: http://pcn.homestead.com/Archive.html
Comprehensive Flown West List page: http://pcn.homestead.com/FlightWest.html
Seniority lists and Hotel page
(password protected): http://pcn.homestead.com/Seniority.html
Thanks for checking the PCN Web Site
out and please report any page that needs an update!