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Latest High Life Issue

Latest HL 363 published Aug 28, 2024. Not all sections of Blog are on first page. Click OLDER POSTS to view additional newsletter sections. For PDF version and all archived list CLICK HERE. Look for next issue soon!

Airlines news

Monday, June 24, 2024

Insurance - HL 361 (1)

Now, I am sure there are more in our group that gets the annual report than just Thad and myself, and I have to believe that many of you read it and also noticed the incredibly plummet in monies held in Trust.  This had to raise an eyebrow or two and it is what prompted Thad to write me.


Good day Mark, 


Yesterday I received the Summary Annual Report for our Delta Pilots Disability and Survivorship Plan, posted bulk mail by the way, and noted a decrease of over $179,000,000. I’m looking for someone a lot smarter than me to give me some thoughts about this profound decrease and the implications. I think I know the impact it will have but just need a primer on how this decrease could occur and if Delta will be required to boost their commitment going forward.


Any help would be greatly appreciated…



Thad Quarles



Editor: Thad, yes I think a lot of our guys will notice that decrease which looks potentially like a threat to our survivors.  Well, with ALPA’s blessing the company has made a decision to move forward with meeting their obligations to the disabled and survivors BUT not pay them from a trust ‘reservoir.’  Instead they have been authorized to make these payments ‘through the Trust’ by transferring current revenues to cover obligations.  So the Trust becomes more like a ‘checking account’ rather than like a ‘savings account.’ Does that mean this is a good change?  Of course time will tell, but I personally am not a fan, because I can see a day when revenues get so pinched that these promised payments would fall to a low priority. 

BUT I will also say that the “experts” from our group (much smarter than I) have been on top of this and have expressed that as long as monitored then this may end up being okay.  While the company states a commitment to disabled and survivors, to me this action would appear to make it far too easy to later change course and become delinquent, curtail benefits, or to walk away altogether. It appears to me that far too much security of the new payout plan depends on ‘integrity’ over regulatory oversight.  As to the draw down of the Trust; in the year 2021 there was nearly a half of billion balance, in 2023 the ending balance of net assets was $260 million, and as of this year it is drawn down in value of Plan assets to $21,796,092.

That’s a decrease of $179,936,526 of plan assets in the Trust account this year.

INVITATION to any of our PCN members who are well versed on the trust and on this new benefit payment plan to send in to the PCN  their take with their FL330 view of the financial report.  For any of you that write in, I will publish your thoughts in the next High Life.  




IMPORTANT SURVIVOR information in many former HL issues but INSURANCE section of High Life 340 and FINANCE section of 336 a good resource to keep.


CORRECTION to language I used in HL 350 for the D & S Plan TRUST


All Archived High Lifes issues:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzB_SBDmSd9AMzViODQ3MDQtODhjYy00YzkwLThiMzktM2FhMDEzMDZhYjA0?resourcekey=0-sovghKhA1zNRWP5SUxjUqA&usp=sharing


I previously used the word ‘unfunding’ or ‘defunding’  the Trust but I believe that is in error and can cause unnecessary misunderstanding.  The Company is not defunding the Trust but rather funding it ‘monthly’ as opposed to carrying a long term balance.  There IS a tax advantage for both Company and Beneficiary from the Section 501(c)(9) nature of the Trust so, one would expect to see the Company continue to keep the Trust even though the funding is not executed well in advance.




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